Happy Birthday @YourExtraFollower Heres your present *throws pie*
on August 09, 2015

I have idea! You can come every year on March 3rd and it can be Followers Day!
Maybe!! Good idea but I might make more of these accounts to follow the same people, too so they can get more followers:D
on March 04, 2014
on March 04, 2014

Hey !!!!
I do. By the way, this is flurry(my other account) this is just an extra follower account
on March 04, 2014
on March 04, 2014
on March 03, 2014
Hey guys-don't worry, I'm going to follow as many people as I can but as I stated in my 'about me' i will only be on this account 3/3/2014!!:D I might make more of these accounts soon as a treat for you guys to get more followers
on March 03, 2014

Thank U!
on March 03, 2014
on March 03, 2014

on March 03, 2014
on March 03, 2014
Want an extra follower? Follow me and you'll have one:D:D but it has to be by the end of 3/3/2014 I'm not going back on this extra follower account after today
on March 03, 2014

Thank you for following me! :D
on March 04, 2014
on March 04, 2014

Ooh, thank you!! :D Who Are You (today, will you be the sun or the pouting rain?)?
on March 03, 2014
on March 03, 2014
Hi guys!! This account is just for today, I'm going to use it for a few minutes, it's just an extra follower account. So I won't use it after today:D
on March 03, 2014