i hate it when i lose my mexican....
(When you let google finish the sentence)
(When you let google finish the sentence)

I am sleep!
on June 01, 2021

on June 01, 2021

they typed "i hate it when" into google and that was one of the things that popped up lmao @LilZeke2007
on June 01, 2021

i typed in i hate it when... and i got a list of stuff
on June 01, 2021

Wdym by that?
on June 01, 2021
on June 01, 2021

Im not into sunsets but id love to see you go down~
on May 21, 2021

on May 06, 2021

Yaoi_dealer uploaded a photo
ChOoSe Me!! LoVe mE!!! (best part is he is a priest that falls in love with a boy) ;-;

on May 01, 2021

on April 30, 2021

;-; angel dust time *sparkles*
on April 30, 2021

do you guys know angel dust?

my mom goes "Get me and your dad back together" but i see on her phone about a guy named anthony and instead of working out this saturday she is lieing to me and going to hang out with him
on April 30, 2021

on April 30, 2021
on April 30, 2021