Wonka rappers are so bad for children. im reading the back of one.
"Greetings to you from willy wanka himself! Tremendous things are in store for you! Many Tasty Treats await you! inside this SCRUMDIDDLYUMMPTOUS package you will find Mistic and Marvelous suprises that will entrance intrudge and delight you BEYOUND MEASURE. so dont just stand thete with your mouth wide open GO ON feed you IMAGINATION."
ha lol am i the only one who finds it funny
"Greetings to you from willy wanka himself! Tremendous things are in store for you! Many Tasty Treats await you! inside this SCRUMDIDDLYUMMPTOUS package you will find Mistic and Marvelous suprises that will entrance intrudge and delight you BEYOUND MEASURE. so dont just stand thete with your mouth wide open GO ON feed you IMAGINATION."
ha lol am i the only one who finds it funny

Ikr :)
on May 07, 2013

There are so many puns in that it's unbelievable 0_O
on May 07, 2013

go on FEED your imagination lol
on February 19, 2013

Lol it is funny
on February 18, 2013

-looks at fun dip package- bad fun dip :D
on February 14, 2013
on February 14, 2013

Hey :)
on February 01, 2013

great... sorry i have to go... im having a old friend for dinner. :P
on January 30, 2013

Hey :) whats up?

yeah well its fine i mean atleast its not his other sisster. that would suck O.O
then he would never forgive me
then he would never forgive me
on January 30, 2013

i was taking a shower and my friends sisster hopped in b/c she was going out with her boyfriend later and she needed to take a shower. so i ended up taking a shower with her AND her brother assumed that something else was going on so now have to find away to explain to him a have no intrest in her whatsoever.
on January 30, 2013
on January 30, 2013

all the sudden theres something wrong with me for confesing 2 my friends im bi? wow thats funny

on March 07, 2013
on January 24, 2013

XxDrewIsYourMasterxX asked a question

Whats your favorite video game? My favorite video game is legend of zelda and the bards...
on January 23, 2013

I I'll get by I I'll survive when the worlds crashing down when I fall and hit the ground don't u try to stop me and I won't cry

It's nice to find some one else other than annoying girly girls who actually LIKE Avril Lavigne
on May 07, 2013
on January 18, 2013

XxDrewIsYourMasterxX asked a question
should i where my hair up in a pony tail and were all girly crap? lol
on January 16, 2013

hahaha ian is such a pedaphile. lol hitting on some girl who happens 2 be like 15 and hes 20
on January 16, 2013

there is like 500 people bieng murderd every minute but the cops pull me over cuz im smoking pot... wtf
on January 16, 2013

i like to pretend the world is falling sideways and hold on to the grass roots in ditches. :D its so fun
on January 16, 2013

on January 16, 2013

i see the future knowbody servives not even...
one direction :)
one direction :)
on January 16, 2013

i feel so high right now hahahahahahaha got the giggles hahahahahahaha
on January 16, 2013

u know what really pisses me off about thearapy...
is that there always telling you its not youre foalt or telling you not 2 do this and cutting youreself is wrong and blah blah blah
is that there always telling you its not youre foalt or telling you not 2 do this and cutting youreself is wrong and blah blah blah

God therapists suck. I have one 'cause of my learning disabilities and she really ANNOYS ME.
on May 07, 2013
on January 16, 2013

i see the future knobody servives not even...
the children
the children
on January 16, 2013