About Xx.Turquoise_Menace.xX

  • Heyyyy bishes!
    My name is Teal uwu
    "I can be a bitch sometimes but at least I'm a reasonable one"

    I like anime, romantic shit, the colour teal ofc, and a few other things you'll only figure out if your close to me uwu
    I am a pansexual and proud
    I can be a bit, well, HONEST sometimes but don't let that scare ya uwu
    I'm 14 uwu
    She/her plz

    I absolutely hate and will NEVER tolerate:
    -Animal abuse
    -racist/homophobic cvnts
    and ofc, all the "Speak to the manager" bitches u.u

    ANYWAYS nice meeting ya, bai! *mwah*
    peace out :3
  • Joined Qfeast on July 12, 2021