Alright so my "bestie" is acting really disrespectful i just lost somebody in my family very close and i quote she says " Who cares " what is that ?
on December 20, 2015

XXvialonestarXX created a poll
Would you rather keep a friend who is rude and sad all the time or get away from them ?
on November 24, 2015

XXvialonestarXX asked a question
What do you do if your friend is feeling sad all the time ? I have a friend that is alw...
on November 24, 2015

on November 24, 2015

This is a fun game if you guys want then check it out it is making an anime character
This is a fun game if you guys want then check it out it is making an anime character
Rinmaru Games-Mega Anime Avatar Creator
Mega Anime Avatar Creator
on November 23, 2015

Hey guys or whoever reads this well then have fun post things about your life or what you did stuff like that ask me questions i will answer O:-)

oh that has happened to me before . So you need to let him or her know that there is something up and if they continue to act like a jerk than cut them off completely meaning stop talking to them for a while until they know that you are being serious .
on November 23, 2015
on November 22, 2015