XXtremeCHILLzz asked a question

Do you have pets? If so, what kind? I have a black cat :P. I used to have a hamster but...
on July 07, 2013

XXtremeCHILLzz asked a question

What do you think is the best laptop?? i think the best laptop is the Alienware m17x r4...
on July 07, 2013

XXtremeCHILLzz asked a question

Your apartment is on fire. You can only take 3 things, what would it be? BTW i have no ...
on July 07, 2013

XXtremeCHILLzz asked a question
What music do you guys listen to? i listen to freaking dubstep, electro house!! A littl...
on July 06, 2013

XXtremeCHILLzz asked a question
What video game do u like the most? Just wanted to know what games you guys love to pla...
on July 06, 2013