well me and kazzy are going to start re writing her book together!! we wanna show you what its like to put two insane minds together and introduce the outcome to qfeast:)
on April 09, 2013

I got the BEST compliment ever today!!:D i was told im pandoras box! How great is that?
on March 29, 2013

angie.... erins calling me mean v.v

no... you are not :( im now mad at you to for what you did 10 or 5 minutes ago :P
on March 28, 2013
on March 27, 2013

i need some new inspiration for new art. any suggestions?

Em... Why not like an eagle and his chicks are in a nest and around them there is chaos and war etc.... If not, then try painting your emotions like if you're happy I suggest painting with different shades of yellow or stuff like that, hope this helps!
on July 25, 2013
on March 27, 2013

I have been touched by the noodley appendages of the flying spaghettie monster!!
on March 27, 2013

are you a homosexual unicorn?
on March 26, 2013

on March 26, 2013

KAZZY CLUPKA!! you are a homosexual unicorn>.<
on March 26, 2013

who can say where the road goes where the day flows only time. and who can say if your love grows has your heart chose only time. >Enya<
on March 25, 2013

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was kittycobain
on March 22, 2013