WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to USUK FanFic ~ Your Not Alone

Chapter 6
Arthur's POV
I had changed my mind to not go back to my country.Why? Well I furtue that Alfred will find a away to hurt himself again.I had expalnd to my boss on the problem.The queen understood.I ran all the way there and knock on his door.I waited.I heard cussing from upstairs.What could I have had done to make him cuss ?
I saw he opened the door.I have no clue what came over me but I pinned him to his wall with one hand.One hand! Some how I close the door with the hand that wasn't pinni... Read Full Chapter
I had changed my mind to not go back to my country.Why? Well I furtue that Alfred will find a away to hurt himself again.I had expalnd to my boss on the problem.The queen understood.I ran all the way there and knock on his door.I waited.I heard cussing from upstairs.What could I have had done to make him cuss ?
I saw he opened the door.I have no clue what came over me but I pinned him to his wall with one hand.One hand! Some how I close the door with the hand that wasn't pinni... Read Full Chapter
on April 24, 2018

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to The Outsiders Sequel

Chapter 6
We were starting to get worried.We had seen a few fuzz every now and then.As Strom and I waited for Dally we saw an ambulace with lights."Dawn , Stay here " my brother told me but I did not listen.I wanted to know who was in there.I wanted to know if that person was ok. I ran down to my brother and pasted him on actdent.I wasn't out of breath ehiter.I saw a gispilesd of who it was.I frozed. I fell down and pass out.I had no reason to pass out , it just happen.Strom ran to me , besides I could...
Read Full Chapter
on May 08, 2018

I'm sorry I wasn't on here my sister short of hide my phone outside and it was dead.Plus school and testing coming up I'm just busy expertiy with my grandmaw.She slow dying and only me , my brother, mom , and dad know it.Sorry for this inconvenience followers
- MaylatheGalacticWolf
- MaylatheGalacticWolf
on April 17, 2018

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to USUK FanFic ~ Your Not Alone

Chapter 5
Today of all days was when Alfred's depression got the wrost.Today was September 11, the wrostest day od America.Some people agree with that others do not.Alfred was here laiding in his bed remembering all the people that died that day.He couldn't believe his own would betray him.Alfred got up and got the knife that was hidden in his bed l.Alfred smile and cutted himself.
All there was was blood dripping from his wrist and knife.Alfred didn't feel any pain.He enjoyed it until there was a kno... Read Full Chapter
All there was was blood dripping from his wrist and knife.Alfred didn't feel any pain.He enjoyed it until there was a kno... Read Full Chapter
on April 10, 2018

Hey people I'm a lot better and will be on more.So the next chapter will be coming soon and will has a bit of cursing but don't worry it is only two words that will be use because I cannot stand them.The only reason why I'm using them in the first place is to show the characters anger and emotions.If your a person who can't stand cussing I understand too I cannot stand them ehiter well I'm going to school.
on April 11, 2018

WolfieGirl12 asked a question

Would You want some Bad Words in The Fanfics ? Hello I want to know if you guys wantsom...
on April 11, 2018

WolfieGirl12 added a story to the favorite list

Do You Sometimes Wish That You Would Fit In?
on April 05, 2018

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to USUK FanFic ~ Your Not Alone

Chapter 4
Arhur's POV
I noctied that America has been acting strange.I know that bloody American is strange in his own way.I mean that he's really strange, like who messes with thier shirt during a important meeting.I was goin to ask him whats wrong but before I could ask the meeting was over and Alfred ran out which is not like him.I was walking towards my hotel room.But, I was feeling that Alfred was doing something .
I couldn't help it any more.I told the person at the desk that I would be back she ... Read Full Chapter
I noctied that America has been acting strange.I know that bloody American is strange in his own way.I mean that he's really strange, like who messes with thier shirt during a important meeting.I was goin to ask him whats wrong but before I could ask the meeting was over and Alfred ran out which is not like him.I was walking towards my hotel room.But, I was feeling that Alfred was doing something .
I couldn't help it any more.I told the person at the desk that I would be back she ... Read Full Chapter
on March 30, 2018

Hello and sorry if I am not on as much its because of sickness and family.Anyways I will be on when I can.By the way , good news I'm working on Artur/England's POV for the next chapter
on April 05, 2018

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to USUK FanFic ~ Your Not Alone

Chapter 3
Somethings are best to be forgotten.Alfred knew this but didn’t believe it.He had heard Arthur’s voice, he thought he was dreaming until he had found something left in his table.He picked it up and saw who’s hand writing it was Arthur’s. He wrote a note saying to tell him the next time he tired to hurt himself.Alfred didn’t believe him.Alfred just threw it away and went to the bathroom.He went to hurt himself when he couldn’t find any blades he had so he knew that Arthur must have hide them....
Read Full Chapter
on March 27, 2018

WolfieGirl12 asked a question

Do You Want a POV In The FanFic? Hello I want to know if you guys want a POV .If you do...
on March 28, 2018

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to USUK FanFic ~ Your Not Alone

Chapter 2
Alfred slowly walk to bed as it was only 7:00 pm.Thats very early for Alfred, he normally goes to bed around 11:00 because of games.Alfred climb into bed until he heard the phone ring.He didn’t bother to pick it up.He let it go to voice mail.He looked over to see who had called him.”Arthur..” Alfred whispered as he looked over to see who the caller ID was.”Geez, Can’t he remember what I said...” Alfred started has unconscious called him.
Arthur on the other hand was worried because he knows A... Read Full Chapter
Arthur on the other hand was worried because he knows A... Read Full Chapter
on March 27, 2018

Hey guys I just finish reading a fanfic and I got an idea so here what going to happen. I will write Hetalia ships stories based off the ones ones I’ve read or I might just write a story of the ship.Have any suggestions for this or you can request any Hetalia ship you want no matter what ok.
on March 25, 2018