WhiteKitty added a new chapter to White

Chapter Two - Part Two
(Picture of what Maeve looks like)
Bess doesn’t ask questions, just follows silently as I make sure no one is looking then crouch on the floor and head face the Blacks. Bess is only a few steps behind me, her hair knotted as she glance back and forth every few seconds. When we have both made it into the Garden, I stand and pull her back into the wall beside me.
“Quite,” I whisper to her and then step away, moving through the plants.
I have to find Maeve, warn her that her cousin was right,... Read Full Chapter
Bess doesn’t ask questions, just follows silently as I make sure no one is looking then crouch on the floor and head face the Blacks. Bess is only a few steps behind me, her hair knotted as she glance back and forth every few seconds. When we have both made it into the Garden, I stand and pull her back into the wall beside me.
“Quite,” I whisper to her and then step away, moving through the plants.
I have to find Maeve, warn her that her cousin was right,... Read Full Chapter
on December 04, 2013

WhiteKitty added a new chapter to White

Chapter Two - Part One
(Picture of what Bess looks like, though she has blonder hair)
I slam my plate into the table next to Bess, my legs quivering as I try to sit down. My plate, which held the small vegetables from the Garden in a pulled of sticky mush as well as some dried bread for breakfast, clanks on the wood and spills the boiling liquid onto my lap.
“Hey, Bess. I thought they only made the White Uniform for kids,” Alana yells from the table in front of us. Spinning, the young girl smiles and laughs, th... Read Full Chapter
I slam my plate into the table next to Bess, my legs quivering as I try to sit down. My plate, which held the small vegetables from the Garden in a pulled of sticky mush as well as some dried bread for breakfast, clanks on the wood and spills the boiling liquid onto my lap.
“Hey, Bess. I thought they only made the White Uniform for kids,” Alana yells from the table in front of us. Spinning, the young girl smiles and laughs, th... Read Full Chapter
on December 04, 2013