yo. so i noticed that your description is in another language. may i ask what language it is? =)

It's fine! :33
on March 15, 2015

sweet! sorry for asking an obvious question , i was just wondering if somethin, man
on March 15, 2015

on March 15, 2015

oh thats cool. do you speak it?
on March 15, 2015

GOD DAMMIT. I just wrote it and then I deleted it because everyone hated it!! It's Latvian, and I'm gonna rewrite it.
on March 15, 2015
on March 15, 2015

Hi!!!! Im @Mituna_Captor's sister! Emily!!! :)
on January 07, 2015

-I have a twitch irl.
-I'm horrible at trying to make decisions.
-I'm an only child
-I'm horrible at trying to make decisions.
-I'm an only child
on January 05, 2015

I really hate perverts who make sexual comments about women just because they pass by them. It's honestly not necessary.
on January 04, 2015

on December 31, 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Here's your gift~ &[]
on December 26, 2014

You are awesome
on December 16, 2014

Okay look I want to say I'm sorry for giving you guys hell and I'll chill out a bit. My bad guys , I mean seriously I kind of just realized that I was being a total jerk and not all that cool. I'll stop hating on your fandoms and stuff. Truce?
on December 10, 2014

You know .. Some of you fools are crazy. You guys think some things are jokes but they're not funny. And don't even get me started on your oc's

And the worst part is that most of them are like ten and making porn or something I mean fr
on November 27, 2014
on November 27, 2014

:33 < do you agr33 that Eridan AMpurra is purrfect so i n33d him

(( are you trying to rp or..? I mean im cool with rping if that's what your trying to do. I was jw)
on November 21, 2014
on November 16, 2014

i LOVE your blog setup

on November 15, 2014
on November 15, 2014