So I looked up the definition for demigirl and it's exactly how I feel about myself. I guess "genderfluid" wasn't the right term? I feel so happy
on June 19, 2015

If I were a character in a show , what kind of character would I be?
on June 19, 2015

//6+ likes for:
Meaning behind your URL: I was really into kanaya maryam , and I thought it was a clever pun.
Crush: well obviously my gf
Number of followers: 205
Number Following: 246
Age: 14
Height: 5'6 See More
Last text sent: "hey gurl haaaay"
Last text received: 8T
Something random: I'm really craving bubblegum
What I'm wearing now: grey tanktop and some jean shorts
Last thing I said out loud: "mom I can't take the band bowling for soup seriously bc of how much they sing for phineas and ferb"
Reason I joined Q: to rant to someone that my gf didn't like at the time
First love: well I had previous crushes , but jade is the first person that I actually consider "loving"
Favorite pet: my dog Marley =)
Best date I've been on: going on vaca with jade
Meaning behind your URL: I was really into kanaya maryam , and I thought it was a clever pun.
Crush: well obviously my gf
Number of followers: 205
Number Following: 246
Age: 14
Height: 5'6 See More
Last text sent: "hey gurl haaaay"
Last text received: 8T
Something random: I'm really craving bubblegum
What I'm wearing now: grey tanktop and some jean shorts
Last thing I said out loud: "mom I can't take the band bowling for soup seriously bc of how much they sing for phineas and ferb"
Reason I joined Q: to rant to someone that my gf didn't like at the time
First love: well I had previous crushes , but jade is the first person that I actually consider "loving"
Favorite pet: my dog Marley =)
Best date I've been on: going on vaca with jade
on June 19, 2015

//5+ likes for:
Meaning behind your URL:
Number of followers:
Number Following:
Height: See More
Last text sent:
Last text received:
Something random:
What I'm wearing now:
Last thing I said out loud:
Reason I joined Q:
First love:
Favorite pet:
Best date I've been on:
Meaning behind your URL:
Number of followers:
Number Following:
Height: See More
Last text sent:
Last text received:
Something random:
What I'm wearing now:
Last thing I said out loud:
Reason I joined Q:
First love:
Favorite pet:
Best date I've been on:
on June 19, 2015

Omg I hate ppl who are like "omg ur making me cry" when like you're just trying to calmly say one thing. Im talking about when you're not even being rude , and they try to make it seem like you are.
on June 19, 2015

If I ever say I don't want to talk about something when I'm upset , please don't take it personally. It just means I want to forget what I was upset about. Please just send me funny links and tell me jokes when I do that. It would make my day.
on June 19, 2015

If you don't let me call you a nerd , meme, or dork at least once in every conversation
We cannot be friends.
We cannot be friends.
on June 18, 2015

@ people who literally make rude statuses about their friends (instead of talking about the issue in private)
on June 18, 2015

You know , I'm not sure why , but for some reason Ke$ha always looks so huggable. Like when she's not performing. Do you guys agree or is it just me?
on June 16, 2015

Omg. Larry from the amazing world of gumball is the most depressing person known to man kind.
on June 15, 2015

My legs hurt omf. I hate being tall and having growing pains
on June 15, 2015

on June 15, 2015

on June 15, 2015

So just to celebrate having 200 followers , I'm gonna share a memory with you guys
Okok so like jade and I were at the skating rink on a date. (This was like last year btw). And like , I leaned over and kissed her cheak. I kid you not when I say that whatever song was playing atm was interrupted , and they played "i kissed a girl" by Katy perry. I swear to this day that the dj was looking right at us, too.
I laugh every time I think of this
Okok so like jade and I were at the skating rink on a date. (This was like last year btw). And like , I leaned over and kissed her cheak. I kid you not when I say that whatever song was playing atm was interrupted , and they played "i kissed a girl" by Katy perry. I swear to this day that the dj was looking right at us, too.
I laugh every time I think of this
on June 15, 2015