WTF, my cat just whacked himself in the face with his tail. Lol
on March 16, 2016

I need to talk to you.

I didn't mean too, how many times do i need to explain this, I just said what I found in Lightstriker195's and was lacking in hers
on March 16, 2016

*sighs* I cannot be bothered having this conversation again. but yes, I did in a way. I just explained what I didn't like in the stories.
on March 16, 2016

on March 16, 2016
on March 16, 2016

Are you still up?
Are you still up?

@Dungeon_Master I reckon that she's either
1. On YouTube instead
2. Or just taking forever to respond since she iz a slow typer
3. Or maybe (just maybe) actually asleep at this time. And if that's the case, SHAME ON YOU LEAH!
1. On YouTube instead
2. Or just taking forever to respond since she iz a slow typer
3. Or maybe (just maybe) actually asleep at this time. And if that's the case, SHAME ON YOU LEAH!
on March 16, 2016
on March 16, 2016

Okie so she's kicking me off now I'm really sorry byws
on March 08, 2016

Leah is saying that she's getting bored of watching me use her computer, so I may be kicked out of her room soon.
Leah is saying that she's getting bored of watching me use her computer, so I may be kicked out of her room soon.
on March 08, 2016

My sister is awesome. But she definitely seems worse than she is, given that I'm her older sister and it's my God-given job to tease and insult her in every way possible. Good day.
My sister is awesome. But she definitely seems worse than she is, given that I'm her older sister and it's my God-given job to tease and insult her in every way possible. Good day.
on March 08, 2016

This is Jasmine, and I am on my sis's account, but it is too complicated for me to feel like explaining. I just spent the last six hours studying and training for martial arts, so my brain is basically dead.
Leah, since you're reading every word that I type:
Fangirl once more (or sit there and say "I choose not to fangirl" while grinning like a frikkin crazy person) and I WILL KILL YOU.
This is Jasmine, and I am on my sis's account, but it is too complicated for me to feel like explaining. I just spent the last six hours studying and training for martial arts, so my brain is basically dead.
Leah, since you're reading every word that I type:
Fangirl once more (or sit there and say "I choose not to fangirl" while grinning like a frikkin crazy person) and I WILL KILL YOU.

*shrugs* no-one knows with your sister. And should I expect her to swarm over my page after this with her in fangirl mode?
on March 08, 2016
on March 08, 2016

Jasmine is fine and she will be on later, like, Saturday.

Yeah... but this is the best part of my week so far, just being able to be with you for a bit, holding you
on March 08, 2016

less stressed now that I know you are OK. Also I did well with a fishing comp, wining it. And binged on Vampire Knight
on March 08, 2016
on March 08, 2016

To everyone who wants to know where Jasmine is:
She is offline.
She is offline.

Well, once she is done can you please tell her kindly if she may hop on to comfort everyone's fears and put them to rest
on March 08, 2016

Oh... I didn't know she hasn't been on for two days. Anyway, I think she's doing homework.
on March 08, 2016
on March 08, 2016

Where in the nine hells is your sister? Everyone is wondering
on March 08, 2016
(See what I did there?)