created a

How much do you understand about these awesome anime characters?
on December 13, 2015

I'm only at episode 8, and I almost got all these questions right! Boom!
on December 12, 2015

TsumikiMiniwa added a story to the favorite list

Black Butler seven minutes in heaven
on December 12, 2015

TsumikiMiniwa added a photo to the starred list
when your friends are being idiots during class and the teacher appears out of no where XD

on December 10, 2015

on December 10, 2015

TsumikiMiniwa added a new chapter to The Dragon Child

Someone Familiar
Kiyomi's POV
"K-Kiyomi?" I gasped at my name coming from that familiar boy's lips. I trembled and looked at him with a fearful look in my eyes.
"H-How do you know my name?" His eyes immediately saddened and he looked like he was about to cry.
"Dont you remember me? Natsu?" My eyes widened and something clicked in my brain.
"Nat..su...?" I whispered, my eyes swirling with silver. I blacked out.
I strolled into a large garden with a small lake and a tall sakura tree on an island... Read Full Chapter
"K-Kiyomi?" I gasped at my name coming from that familiar boy's lips. I trembled and looked at him with a fearful look in my eyes.
"H-How do you know my name?" His eyes immediately saddened and he looked like he was about to cry.
"Dont you remember me? Natsu?" My eyes widened and something clicked in my brain.
"Nat..su...?" I whispered, my eyes swirling with silver. I blacked out.
I strolled into a large garden with a small lake and a tall sakura tree on an island... Read Full Chapter
on December 10, 2015

TsumikiMiniwa added a new chapter to Demon's Gate
A/N 3
Fine. If you really don't want me to abandon it, then I will add a chapter for you. But if no one comments again, then I will shoot down not only this story, but one random other as well. I must get at least two comments on this new chapter for anything to happen. Happy? But give me a day or two.
Read Full Chapter
on December 10, 2015

on December 10, 2015

TsumikiMiniwa added a new chapter to Demon's Gate
A/N 2
Yup. This story has been abandoned. Bai. Y'all are jerks for not commenting or even reading mah stories anymore. I will go on strike and refuse to update unless I get a nice comment on at least on eof mah stories. GOOD DAY. I SAID GOOD DAY. *turns and leaves, slamming a door and stomping*
Read Full Chapter
on December 10, 2015

on December 09, 2015

on December 09, 2015