i remembered i had a qfeast and i was like LETS LOG IN ITLL BE FUN
i was wrong
i forgot i used to ship lapidot and be troye trash damn
i was wrong
i forgot i used to ship lapidot and be troye trash damn
on September 12, 2016

sup fuckk faces
on December 21, 2015

hailey make something
maybe like a friend
maybe like a friend
on December 17, 2015

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was lapidot_otp

on December 17, 2015
on December 17, 2015

on December 17, 2015

https://unsupported.msparp.com/chat/NewShipRP join this ans do some ship rp, you can be any ship!!
View earlier messages ectoBiologist [EB] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 3 ~~ anonymous [??] is now anonymous [Popcorn]. ~~ 2 ~~ Popcorn: Hey anonymous [??] is now .-. [ahiely]. ~~ 3 ~~ .-. [ahiely] is now .-. [hailey]. ~~ 3 ~~ ectoBiologist's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back. ectoBiologist [EB] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ ectoBiologist changed the conversation topic to "PLEASE JUST SHIPS!!!! IDC WHAT SHIP!!! DO IT!!!! pls dont be nuts like that other anon guy". hailey: *casually eats all of my candy* ectoBiologist changed the conversation topic to "RP SHIPS!! IDC WHAT ONE!! DO IT!". Popcorn: PhAn tHo EB: felicia is that you ectoBiologist changed the conversation topic
on November 02, 2015

Hailey you should post
if you're even still in my account rn
if you're even still in my account rn
on November 02, 2015

jhgvghjlkjhgfdrsfcgvhbjnkml,;.lkjhgfdcgvhjkl i should make a quiz or a page or something
on November 02, 2015

this is @LilyTheDork
me and hailey are in eachothers accounts for the hell of it
this is @LilyTheDork
me and hailey are in eachothers accounts for the hell of it
on November 02, 2015

Excuse me but do you have time to speak about our lord and savior Troye Sivan
on November 02, 2015

on November 02, 2015

(I can always talk to you irl but THE PEOPLE HERE CANT)
(I can always talk to you irl but THE PEOPLE HERE CANT)
on October 15, 2015