getting ready to help my cuz sew me a free!! Hoodie for Halloween!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!
on October 09, 2015

Im now getting messages in my inbox saying Im fake & my pic is from google!! WOW LMMFAO!!!!! some people!! Yes Im A B**CH SO DEAL WITH IT!!
on September 04, 2015

TideBaby2000 asked a question
Does anyone else like Hurricanes? or is it just me? Yes theres as HUGE risk of things t...
on August 29, 2015

If you LOVE haunted Houses & Halloween as I do.. CHECK THIS OUT!!!! I WANNA GO!! WHO"S GOING WITH ME????
If you LOVE haunted Houses & Halloween as I do.. CHECK THIS OUT!!!! I WANNA GO!! WHO"S GOING WITH ME????
on August 27, 2015