Keep calm and play assassins creed 3

on December 30, 2014
on December 30, 2014

That moment when you are. At school, and no one is there, then you realize its summer.
on December 29, 2014

Cut them down and make them wholy, forgiven on these grounds soely,
Bare no arms, I'll rip those from you,
As a corpse no more harm you'll do,
Now say goodbye, feel no pain as you die,
Know that now, you give back,
May judgement pass you bye.
Bare no arms, I'll rip those from you,
As a corpse no more harm you'll do,
Now say goodbye, feel no pain as you die,
Know that now, you give back,
May judgement pass you bye.

Best song by madame macabre since blood right. Sorry I was watching the new hunger games.
on December 31, 2014
on December 29, 2014

Say random doctor who sayings.

on December 29, 2014
on December 29, 2014

I ship! I'm am yours and Tick_Tock's fairy fan girl! :D *fan girl scream*
on December 29, 2014

on December 28, 2014

Do you ship octascratch?

on December 28, 2014
on December 28, 2014

I pretend I'm insane, and I want to be insane.
on December 28, 2014

I pretend Im Clockworks husband, don't judge, she's a cute tomboy. Sorry Tick_Tock.
on December 28, 2014

I remember a funny video, and grin like an idiot the whole time.
on December 28, 2014

I wish I could go out with young Ginny Weasly.

She's so cute when she's young, but it won't work because she's already to old for me, and time travel is non-existent.:(
on December 28, 2014
on December 28, 2014

I concentrate when loud hardcore techno music is on, and I think Octascratch is a really cute couple.
on December 28, 2014