ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies added a new chapter to Hospitals
What were you expecting?
After a uneventful night of eating nachos, watching TV, and her father swearing her hair made her look like Marilyn Manson, for whatever reason, she finally fell asleep. She shifted in her dream state. Her dreams were filled with the voices of her friends and family.
"Come with me."
"What the HECK were YOU THINKING?!?!"
"Helena, you look like a freaking vampire."
"Oh, look, it's Vampire Freak."
"Oh, I hate YOU."
She jolted awake, sweating. At 1 in the morning. Did she just hear his, we... Read Full Chapter
"Come with me."
"What the HECK were YOU THINKING?!?!"
"Helena, you look like a freaking vampire."
"Oh, look, it's Vampire Freak."
"Oh, I hate YOU."
She jolted awake, sweating. At 1 in the morning. Did she just hear his, we... Read Full Chapter
on March 13, 2016

ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies added a new chapter to Hospitals
I Tried
It had been a few days since the cryfest.
She'd had to explain why she left the house without permission, and when they told the truth, they got unnecessarily concerned.
She'd been pretty miserable the past two days. Today was no exception.
Was that all she was?
A stupid popular idiot?
The very thought sent her over the edge again, and she shoved her face in her knees to muffle the tears.
She hadn't talked to Gee or any of them since that day. And quite frankly, she didn't want to.
... Read Full Chapter
She'd had to explain why she left the house without permission, and when they told the truth, they got unnecessarily concerned.
She'd been pretty miserable the past two days. Today was no exception.
Was that all she was?
A stupid popular idiot?
The very thought sent her over the edge again, and she shoved her face in her knees to muffle the tears.
She hadn't talked to Gee or any of them since that day. And quite frankly, she didn't want to.
... Read Full Chapter
on March 12, 2016

it means so much :3
it means so much :3
on March 12, 2016

ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies added a new chapter to Hospitals
Prank Calls
The girl finally remembered what she had come for.
"Um, YEAH!! What was that about, Gee? You SCARED me!!!"
Frank seemed to be holding in his laughter.
"Curse you, Frank."
The girl looked confused; at least that was obvious.
Gee sighed after a while.
"So, basically we were playing Truth or Dare... and Frank, well.... he dared me to say something to scare you half to death."
The girl averted her eyes to Frank.
Realizing this was a death stare, Frank shrunk... Read Full Chapter
"Um, YEAH!! What was that about, Gee? You SCARED me!!!"
Frank seemed to be holding in his laughter.
"Curse you, Frank."
The girl looked confused; at least that was obvious.
Gee sighed after a while.
"So, basically we were playing Truth or Dare... and Frank, well.... he dared me to say something to scare you half to death."
The girl averted her eyes to Frank.
Realizing this was a death stare, Frank shrunk... Read Full Chapter
on March 12, 2016

on March 10, 2016

ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies added a new chapter to Hospitals
And... Moment of Awkward.
She slowly made her way into the room. AND got four pairs of eyes staring at her immediately.
Guess who broke the silence?
"Oh, hi, Helena."
Nope. Not Frank this time. Ray.
She grinned sheepishly. "Hi, Princess Fro Fro." And we all know who came up with that nickname.
The group busted out laughing. Dorky humor was the best.
Frank yelled back, "OH, YOU KNOW N... Read Full Chapter
Guess who broke the silence?
"Oh, hi, Helena."
Nope. Not Frank this time. Ray.
She grinned sheepishly. "Hi, Princess Fro Fro." And we all know who came up with that nickname.
The group busted out laughing. Dorky humor was the best.
Frank yelled back, "OH, YOU KNOW N... Read Full Chapter
on March 10, 2016

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was PyschoGirl
on March 10, 2016

ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies added a new chapter to Hospitals
I'm Just Another Freak
The girl tried texting another message. It was after school. She had gotten her phone back.
Why wasn't he responding?
Each time it said that 'the mesaage undeliverable' or 'person not online'.
Was Gee that mad?!
What was he talking about earlier?
"What the HECK were you THINKING?!"
His voice rang out as if he has spoken directly in her ears.
Like in real life.
She jumped and looked around wildly. No one was there.
Great, she was going crazy.
Her fingers slid over the screen of her p... Read Full Chapter
Why wasn't he responding?
Each time it said that 'the mesaage undeliverable' or 'person not online'.
Was Gee that mad?!
What was he talking about earlier?
"What the HECK were you THINKING?!"
His voice rang out as if he has spoken directly in her ears.
Like in real life.
She jumped and looked around wildly. No one was there.
Great, she was going crazy.
Her fingers slid over the screen of her p... Read Full Chapter
on March 08, 2016

ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies added a new chapter to Hospitals
Just sleep.....
"Where are you taking me?!?"
"Shh, c'mon!"
The girl's expression was scared.
"I-I'm not supposed to go to places I don't know about!"
She tried pulling away.
"Relax, it's under the bleachers."
She untensed.
It was break, after all.
When they got there, Daniyah and several others were waiting.
"Hey, Helena."
Daniyah said with a lazy flick of her wrist, obviously supposed to be a wave. So she waved back.
Isaac said, "Ready?"
"Ready for what?" a cold voice said behi... Read Full Chapter
"Shh, c'mon!"
The girl's expression was scared.
"I-I'm not supposed to go to places I don't know about!"
She tried pulling away.
"Relax, it's under the bleachers."
She untensed.
It was break, after all.
When they got there, Daniyah and several others were waiting.
"Hey, Helena."
Daniyah said with a lazy flick of her wrist, obviously supposed to be a wave. So she waved back.
Isaac said, "Ready?"
"Ready for what?" a cold voice said behi... Read Full Chapter
on March 07, 2016

ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies added a new chapter to Hospitals
...Is Leaving You.
It was now the Fourth of July. The raven-black haired female was dating the blond haired male now. The raven-black haired male had protested against it, saying something was off about him.
But the girl was torn between them.
Both of them she deeply cared for.
Jock VS. Gothy.
She hated stereotypes.
She marched throughout the hall with a confident aura surrounding her. She was.... popular, you could say? Ever since Daniyah, well, eavesdropped on her singing, she'd spread the word. EVERYW... Read Full Chapter
But the girl was torn between them.
Both of them she deeply cared for.
Jock VS. Gothy.
She hated stereotypes.
She marched throughout the hall with a confident aura surrounding her. She was.... popular, you could say? Ever since Daniyah, well, eavesdropped on her singing, she'd spread the word. EVERYW... Read Full Chapter
on March 07, 2016

ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies asked a question

Out of all the people in MCR, who's the hottest? Choices Gerard Way Frank Iero Ray T...
on March 05, 2016

ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies added a new chapter to Hospitals
The Hardest Part of This....
The two sat on the stairs, talking. Both of them had raven black hair and rather pale skin.
The girl had this rather Gothy aura around her, but still strangely beautiful.
"Dude, heard The Used was coming up with a new album."
"Says who?"
"Says Alternative Press Magazine. Online edition."
The blond haired boy watched the two talk. It was rumored that they had a relationship going on between them. The two black haired people.
He eventually walked towards the two, a smirk on his face. Fre... Read Full Chapter
The girl had this rather Gothy aura around her, but still strangely beautiful.
"Dude, heard The Used was coming up with a new album."
"Says who?"
"Says Alternative Press Magazine. Online edition."
The blond haired boy watched the two talk. It was rumored that they had a relationship going on between them. The two black haired people.
He eventually walked towards the two, a smirk on his face. Fre... Read Full Chapter
on March 05, 2016

The story is not done yet, DO NOT WORRY! If I have time I will update every week.
on March 04, 2016

on March 04, 2016

on March 04, 2016

ThreeCheersForSweetBrownies asked a question

What's the most obsessive fandom to you, dear friends? Me, can't decide. FNAF and Creep...
on February 08, 2016

me X anyone
I dont have a life
me X anyone
I dont have a life
on February 08, 2016

Please tell me what you think! <3
Please tell me what you think! <3
on February 08, 2016