on July 22, 2016

Go check out chapter two of "No Sound!" It definitely came out better than the last chapter, and I feel like you guys will love it! -> https://www.qfeast.com/story/NjVWn5/No-Sound/4
- Mary Anne
- Mary Anne

No Sound
Nova Hale was the lead singer of the popular band SuperNova, and everything was going her way for once. People knew her name, she had enough money to buy whatever she wanted, and she had her friends by her side. But everything changed when an elk crashed through the windshield of her vehicle. Her best friend was killed, two others injured badly, her vocal cords damaged severely, and she thought she only had herself to blame. After all, she was the one driving, right?
on July 18, 2016

Sorry guys, but my niece and nephew came over today, so I couldn't get anything done on "No Sound," but I think Neil said he got a little bit done. I'll try my best to bring the next chapter to you soon!
- Mary Anne
- Mary Anne
on July 18, 2016

I can't say I'm all that proud of what I've written, but chapter one of "No Sound" is officially published, and I would love it if you gave us some feedback. -> https://www.qfeast.com/story/NjVWn5/No-Sound
- Mary Anne
- Mary Anne
on July 16, 2016

The_Fantastic_Three uploaded a photo
Just got done making the temporary cover for the upcoming story! - Mary Anne

on July 16, 2016

I just noticed I haven't been posting at all, and I'm the only reason this account was created, so how are you lovely human beings doing?
- Adrian Nichole
- Adrian Nichole
on July 15, 2016

The_Fantastic_Three uploaded a photo
Sorry about the foul language, I just had to post this. - Neil

on July 15, 2016

A new story is coming up soon! Keep an eye out, because we're about half-way through writing the first chapter!
- Neil
- Neil
on June 15, 2016

Honestly, if Neil ran this account, there would be nothing but RWBY stuff everywhere. Also, yes, I'm alive. Strep throat sucked, though. (I've been healthy for a while, Neil just never put a follow-up post) :)
- Mary
- Mary
on June 10, 2016

Hey everyone! I have some pretty sad news. Mary's been sick with strep throat since Friday. She hasn't really eaten much, other than a few Popsicles. Any and all prayers would be appreciated!
on February 03, 2016

I'll hopefully get the first chapter of a story up soon.

@Rebel_Fangirl It's going to be about a deaf girl, may end up being romancey. (sorry about the late response)
on December 31, 2015
on December 30, 2015