Just want to make things right
don't want to start a fight
and we're so sorry if we give you all a little fight
we're not so scary when you see us in the daylight
you'll be so happy just as you _______ the _____
The blank is the title
don't want to start a fight
and we're so sorry if we give you all a little fight
we're not so scary when you see us in the daylight
you'll be so happy just as you _______ the _____
The blank is the title

holy crap i have so many memories with this song
on February 21, 2016

Yes! @Wolfbourne
on February 21, 2016
on February 21, 2016

on February 21, 2016

Role play begin!
Angel: *pushes lever*
Angel: *pushes lever*

(Sorry I'd didn't realize you were back)
Mary: *goes insane* Yay! Time to PlAy ThE GAmE!
Mary: *goes insane* Yay! Time to PlAy ThE GAmE!
on February 21, 2016

on February 21, 2016

Mary: We have games and toys. Don't tell anyone, but we have a lot of spare candy.
Kids: Yeah!
Mary: Here use this travel box to come with! *points to metal box*
Kids: run in, seeing candy
One filly: But my mom says I shouldn't talk to strangers. See More
Mary: But we asked your parents earlier. They said yes
Filly: Oh. Okay! *runs in, and mAry closes box*
Mary: Got them.
Kids: Yeah!
Mary: Here use this travel box to come with! *points to metal box*
Kids: run in, seeing candy
One filly: But my mom says I shouldn't talk to strangers. See More
Mary: But we asked your parents earlier. They said yes
Filly: Oh. Okay! *runs in, and mAry closes box*
Mary: Got them.
on February 21, 2016
on February 21, 2016

I will be back on in about in hour!:brb:
on February 21, 2016
on February 21, 2016

XD I'm Doing 3 RPs at once!
on February 21, 2016
on February 21, 2016
on February 21, 2016

Alexia: Draws A Dragon For Art Class

Alexia: *tries to follow Morgan*
Random Bully: Hey! *Pushes Alexia*
Alexia: >:O *Slaps* *follows Morgan*
Random Bully: Hey! *Pushes Alexia*
Alexia: >:O *Slaps* *follows Morgan*
on February 21, 2016

on February 21, 2016
on February 21, 2016

My school band sucks but we're still a better band than One Direction XD
on February 20, 2016

#I #Do #Not #Understand #Why #I #Did #This.
on February 20, 2016