I made this account when I was like 12 please don't smite me. At least it's good for cringe ;) I'm Elliot, 15 y/o girl from Montana who recently found this account again after trying See More to reset my USAA password. Now I'm kinda just vibing.
Coatls are rare, ahve a breeding cooldown of 35 days and eat only seafood. "Coatl dragons are mid-sized breed with serpentine characteristics and beautiful, vibrant plumage. Their prehensile tail can be used to secure a perch or hold custom tools. Coatl are most commonly born in bright, chromatic colors, with both male and female coatl being equally flashy; there is little sexual dimorphism among the species. An unhealthy coatl can be identified by fading plumage. Dull colors are regarded by other coatl with sorrow and trepidation. Coatl who are naturally born grey or white are regarded as bad omens, and often exiled from nests to protect the rest of the clutch from catching illness or ill luck." "These dragons are an agreeable lot, and attempt to placate enemies and competitors with small gifts of metal. " "When a gift will not settle a disagreement, a coatl is not shy about protecting itself or its clan. When a dispute cannot be settled peacefully, a coatl will transition from appeasement to combat in a split second, awarding them the first strike nine times out of ten. While other species generally regard coatl as a friendly species, they all agree that these dragons have a temper." (Images and information from Flightrising.com)