How Well Do You Know My OC Rose Petals? Hey Guys! My OC Rose Petals is very special and I know that nobody knows her well but let's how you do! The_Fandom_Queen published on April 02, 2016 Stacked 1/13 She hid herself in the crowd for 2,000 years as a what? Pegasus Unicorn Earth Pony 2/13 She married who? Type answer. Hint: 6 characters 3/13 What are her body colors? Hint: 4 choices Blue Red Gold Green Pink Silver Orange Purple 4/13 Which "villains" know Rose well? Hint: 3 choices Nightmare Moon Discord Trixie Sombra Sunset Shimmer Chrysalis 5/13 Princess of the what? Flutter Ponies Garden Ponies Fluffle Ponies 6/13 Best Friend? Trixie Luna Cadence 7/13 Enemy? Sunset Shimmer Sombra's father Snowdrop 8/13 Rose was cursed so she couldn't do what? Smile Cry Laugh 9/13 Celestia started what tradition when Rose disappeared? Type answer. Hint: 14 characters 10/13 How many siblings 0 1 2 11/13 Her cutie mark is a what? Red Rose Black Rose Gold Rose 12/13 She was poisoned by what? Darkness Sadness Hate 13/13 Favorite Mane Character Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Rarity Fluttershy Applejack Twilight Sparkle