on April 16, 2017

on April 15, 2017

I'm Excited to Be back I love all my many fans
and really want to share my ideas with you all
and really want to share my ideas with you all
on April 15, 2017

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile busy with school and stuff now i'm back and am ready to write new and engaging stories
on April 15, 2017

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Henry Ball G the next Chapter
Battle 1
Graham fired a dragon ray at Noah killing him
with that they all left the dream realm and began work on the star gate
They slowly completed the star gate but when they completed it It was henry who stepped out but he was Chaos Henry minion of Khorne
They were all shocked and prepared to fight Miles opened with a strategic launch destroying the star gate
Graham and colton began to charge a joint attack Stellar rain pelting henry with with the bolts but when the the smoke cleared Henry was uns... Read Full Chapter
with that they all left the dream realm and began work on the star gate
They slowly completed the star gate but when they completed it It was henry who stepped out but he was Chaos Henry minion of Khorne
They were all shocked and prepared to fight Miles opened with a strategic launch destroying the star gate
Graham and colton began to charge a joint attack Stellar rain pelting henry with with the bolts but when the the smoke cleared Henry was uns... Read Full Chapter
on January 06, 2017

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Max Games (1)
Final Battle
“You’re all so weak when will a real challenge come forth to face me” Max said Meanwhile on earth Henry finally finished infusing and reached Earth Sayan form and just then Colton burst through the door “henry come quick can’t you sense it cameron ridge and graham’s energies are fading” “I did sense it and we need to go right now and yes colton come with me i’ll need all the help I can get” With that they both departed to fight Max They both arrived at max’s site “Ah I sense real power here n...
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on December 20, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Max Games (1)
Three on One
meanwhile on earth Henry was still infusing himself with the power of earth When Cameron sensed graham’s death so he called upon the winds of magic and entered infused magic sayan form
Cameron then set out to fight Max
Cameron encountered Max in-between earth and mars “AH another challenger come to face his doom” Max said “as such you may go first” Cameron began to fire his magic bullets All of them hit Max dead on but they just bounced off so Cameron began charging up is secret technique “Hm... Read Full Chapter
Cameron then set out to fight Max
Cameron encountered Max in-between earth and mars “AH another challenger come to face his doom” Max said “as such you may go first” Cameron began to fire his magic bullets All of them hit Max dead on but they just bounced off so Cameron began charging up is secret technique “Hm... Read Full Chapter
on December 19, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Max Games (1)
Graham's end
Graham quickly dodged out of the way of max and the specter and fired a flurry hellfire balls Max dodged and the specter was hit dead on destroying it graham then charged max and released a hyper charged hell chop severing max’s arm Max let out a laugh and then focussed his energy in his arm and with in an instant the arm instantly regrew Max then locked focus on graham “fool you have no idea of the power you tempt” then he disappeared Graham looked around in horror he didn’t see max until he...
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on December 19, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Max Games (1)
Graham and max locked eyes and began to clash swords “Give up there is no hope of you beating me” Max said Graham in return backflipped away and fired his dragon ray but this was no normal dragon ray he placed all his energy into it and fired as and directly after leaped sword forward so the ray would hit and then his sword stuck in his gut before he flipped back
But as the the smoke cleared Max stood there the sword through his torso unfazed
Max laughed and said “A valiant effort but futile ... Read Full Chapter
But as the the smoke cleared Max stood there the sword through his torso unfazed
Max laughed and said “A valiant effort but futile ... Read Full Chapter
on December 16, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Max Games (1)
Ridge spoke “Henry go to the earth temple gather as much power as you can I will go and hold of Max for as long as possible
With that henry went to the earth temple to begin collecting energy and ridge flew into space meeting with Max in the asteroid belt
“Ahh a filthy weak human come to slow me down go on try your worst” Ridge charged up reaching Mega sayan form and Max burst out laughing “Such weakness is expected to beat me go ahead attack me”
Ridge charged up a Qu’ran Quasar when the huge... Read Full Chapter
With that henry went to the earth temple to begin collecting energy and ridge flew into space meeting with Max in the asteroid belt
“Ahh a filthy weak human come to slow me down go on try your worst” Ridge charged up reaching Mega sayan form and Max burst out laughing “Such weakness is expected to beat me go ahead attack me”
Ridge charged up a Qu’ran Quasar when the huge... Read Full Chapter
on December 16, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Max Games (1)
Henry and ridge Came upon the wounded adam in the ruins of the moon “Get back you pests you’re far weaker than the one I just trounced” Henry entered into purity form He then rocketed towards adam in response adam hurled a pain bomb at henry
Ridge intercepted the bomb with his body henry continued racing toward adam and fired a purity ray
Adam teleported but not very far due to his wounds Adam then fired a flare into the air and a group of robots teleported in
“Master ridge deal with them i’... Read Full Chapter
Ridge intercepted the bomb with his body henry continued racing toward adam and fired a purity ray
Adam teleported but not very far due to his wounds Adam then fired a flare into the air and a group of robots teleported in
“Master ridge deal with them i’... Read Full Chapter
on December 16, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Max Games (1)
Graham fired a barrage of demon bombs Adam dodged them and fired a death wave hitting graham sending him to 48% organ failure Graham turned to colton “Colton lend me you power so I can beat him” Colton began funneling power into graham super charging “an interesting tactic but I can’t see it working” adam said The newly regenerated graham unleashed a hell wave hitting adam dead on sending him to 42% organ failure Adam Coughed up some blood and began charging up a powerful attack the energy co...
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on December 15, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Max Games (1)
Dark Form
Colton was struck with fear looking at Adam
Adam again chuckled and fired a pain cannon
Colton dodged out of the way firing the star of david blast which hit adam dead on and did nothing
Colton in a desperate attempt sent outa telepathic cry for help
With the graham exploded from a mountain bunker in hell alien form and flew at top speed into adam hitting him with his fists and sending him flying into the dome
“ah at last some true power with which to contend” adam did not seem worried at all... Read Full Chapter
Adam again chuckled and fired a pain cannon
Colton dodged out of the way firing the star of david blast which hit adam dead on and did nothing
Colton in a desperate attempt sent outa telepathic cry for help
With the graham exploded from a mountain bunker in hell alien form and flew at top speed into adam hitting him with his fists and sending him flying into the dome
“ah at last some true power with which to contend” adam did not seem worried at all... Read Full Chapter
on December 15, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Max Games (1)
Back at earth ridge began to sense the huge power “colton my apprentice go into the mountains and find graham and i’ll find henry” colton was confused “Why master” ridge spoke “I sense a great evil”
so colton flew of to the great mount mu and began to search for graham’s secret hide out
“GRAHAM MASTER RIDGE NEEDS YOU” when from the sky came down one of max’s minions ADAM Colton slowly floated back “Who are you” he sensed adam intense power “I am adam and I have come in search of the one calle... Read Full Chapter
so colton flew of to the great mount mu and began to search for graham’s secret hide out
“GRAHAM MASTER RIDGE NEEDS YOU” when from the sky came down one of max’s minions ADAM Colton slowly floated back “Who are you” he sensed adam intense power “I am adam and I have come in search of the one calle... Read Full Chapter
on December 14, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Coltons Return
Final Combat
Henry cameron and miles were now in the kleinzone this place was foreign it was like a huge plane covered in maps
of in the distance they could hear the battle between and graham and colton still raging
so all three of them began to head over but they were stopped by a huge group of kleinlings and cameron said “let me handle this” and began to fight the kleinlings Henry and miles continued and saw the epic battle raging both of them were struggling to stand and were each 75% organ failure
Mil... Read Full Chapter
of in the distance they could hear the battle between and graham and colton still raging
so all three of them began to head over but they were stopped by a huge group of kleinlings and cameron said “let me handle this” and began to fight the kleinlings Henry and miles continued and saw the epic battle raging both of them were struggling to stand and were each 75% organ failure
Mil... Read Full Chapter
on December 13, 2016

TheMan33 added a new chapter to Coltons Return
Journey to klein
Henry returned to earth to find that master ridge was dead and all of his allies were dead as well
on top of that the death whistle was destroyed
Henry remembered the earth temple had resurrection power but his shadow clone had drained most of it’s power it could only resurrect a week soul
so he headed to mount mu and unearthed cameron’s body and took it to the temple and found his shadow form there
He quickly dispatched the shadow form since it was far weaker than him he then set cameron’s b... Read Full Chapter
on top of that the death whistle was destroyed
Henry remembered the earth temple had resurrection power but his shadow clone had drained most of it’s power it could only resurrect a week soul
so he headed to mount mu and unearthed cameron’s body and took it to the temple and found his shadow form there
He quickly dispatched the shadow form since it was far weaker than him he then set cameron’s b... Read Full Chapter
on December 13, 2016