TheMadhat's Polls
TheMadhat published 23 polls

Best Chris Cornell Band?

Best Vocalist Out of Grunge's "Big Four"?

Best of Grunge's "Big Four"?

Smiley Smile vs Smile Sessions (The Beach Boys)

Wake me up...

Han Solo or Indiana Jones?

Will Turner or Legolas?

What is the most toxic fanbase?

Prequels or Sequels? (Star Wars Trilogies)

What is the best movie in the Star Wars sequels?

What is your favorite decade for music?

Who sang the "ahhs" in the Beatles' "A Day in the Life"?

Which of these music artists belonging in the 27 club is your favorite?

Which music artist would you rather bring back from the dead?

Which Avenger would you miss most in the MCU?

Do you believe in the Michael Jackson child molestation accusations?

Which of these songs by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson do you like best?

Which version of State of Shock do you prefer?

MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) or DCEU (DC Extended Universe)?