Masky.... Do you really eat only cheesecake?....

*calms down the blushing.*
on June 20, 2016

Offenderman: Mmm... Good~
on June 20, 2016

U-Um... *slowly nods a bit.*
on June 20, 2016

Offenderman:*Pulls away* Better?~
on June 20, 2016

*blushes, kisses a bit back.*
on June 20, 2016
on June 20, 2016

YOU JUST WOKE UP NAKED IN BED NEXT TO ME..... using only 1 sentence. What would you say to me??
Note: If you comment or read this whole thing you must copy or paste this.
Note: If you comment or read this whole thing you must copy or paste this.
on June 20, 2016

TheGhostGirl asked a question

What is your favorite video game? (1) It can be any, you can make a list of them too if...
on June 19, 2016

Is it okay if I ask... Um, Slenderman, Trendorman, how can you eat if you don't have... You know, mouths...

*walks off, then climbs off the desk top.* Fine, I'll go away... And I'm not sure about what your thinking of to trust you, Offender... *walks across the floor to another table.* *climbs up the table, having a bit of a hard time doing so.*
on June 19, 2016

*pales a bit.* Crap, I'm close to 15... *sits on the desk, changing into a small chibi girl.* So, how is it going, Zalgo?...
on June 19, 2016
on June 19, 2016