Name: Destiny Dating BlueTheQuizWhiz97 (My beautiful baby Blue <3) I am the OFFICIAL SECRETARY of @Your.local.idiot (Qfeast President) See More I am wildly against animal abuse, and if you are too you should check out A close friend on site is: @Your.local.idiot Follow them! I'm 15 I'm Bi?️? Don't mess with my friends. Ever. I'm nice until you give me a reason not to be. DNI if your a jerk, I don't have time for those kinda people
You are very outgoing and energetic, smart and unique. You're a beast, but that's why you are loved. Radiance and beauty comes in all forms for you, much like this creature. It does not see "ugly" nor "pretty" It sees things for what they are. BUUUT they can be VERY self-centered sometimes, attention-whores, and eccentric. But can't we all? Unicorns, and you are known for that, and that's why people love you
She is so kind, lovely and stunning! All of the Smurf's adore her! You care for others, you do everything you can for all of your friends and they all help you with whatever you need because you are their best friend!