Which Smurf are you? SmurfitysmurfSmurfsmurf! Recognise that word? You better, cause this is the Smurfect quiz to find out which Smurf you are! xKearax published on August 19, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What describes you best today? Happy and friendly clumsy and silly helpful and intelligent smart and sensible stubborn and angry sleepy and lazy 2/5 What age are you? 543 10-1000 17-100 46-19999 102-102 1.34563-376475419426464519 3/5 Your friend is being bullied, she runs to you and starts to cry, you- get the bully and her to make up and play with the both of them! Say something stupid to the bully like-"Well, at least I don't wet my bed any more! Oh oh!" Go up to the bully and punch him on the nose! Start talking to the bully about the statistics of bullying and then draw a graph about world peace. Tell the bully to say sorry then comfort your friend. Say that it's her problem, not yours then find the nearest bench and lie down. 4/5 How often do you exercise? Exercise my brain? Oh, 24/7. I don't really need to, I have a natural figure! But I still exercise like 3 times a day. Once a day, something goes wrong if I do too much! I only walk about 5 days a week. Exercise? Isn't that when you dream about riding a unicorn? DON'T wind me up when I tell you that I am a very healthy person who exercises all the time!!! 5/5 Which do you like best? : ) : )> [*] [*] 0 \/ 0 - - 0 CLUMSY- OOPS!