Happy 103!!

on October 15, 2015

on October 15, 2015
on October 12, 2015

on October 12, 2015

on October 12, 2015

3 more...:3
on September 30, 2015

Still wanna hang out? Your girlfriend and your pal are being a bitch. So you made a wring choice getting back to her. Wanna be with me for a while?
on September 10, 2015

Today is such a terrible day...
on September 07, 2015

Why is everyone leaving qfeast? :(
on September 07, 2015

Wolfie: *Chomping leaves out the way as he walks*
on September 01, 2015

on September 01, 2015

Alfheim Online Roll Play (ALO)
You can Internet search races so you can be them and enter your race and etc and character name like for example : Kazuki
on August 28, 2015

Look ok
@Rustpaw and
Please don't block me I just want to say I want you two to stop doing this I want you two to be friends. I had a bad day today I just want you two to be friends. I'm not taking sides I'm just saying this once. Please stop. If you guys solve this it will make my day happier. So stop the feud. Just stop please.
@Rustpaw and
Please don't block me I just want to say I want you two to stop doing this I want you two to be friends. I had a bad day today I just want you two to be friends. I'm not taking sides I'm just saying this once. Please stop. If you guys solve this it will make my day happier. So stop the feud. Just stop please.

I'm a She! I am @EatYourCookiesLikeABoss! X3 Not gonna unblock you until you take Destiny OUT of your bio. Hmph.
on August 27, 2015
on August 27, 2015

Name: Kirito
Age: 17
Likes: SAO
Dislikes: stuff
Gender: male
Crush: No one
Age: 17
Likes: SAO
Dislikes: stuff
Gender: male
Crush: No one
on August 27, 2015

Anime dating page
Name: Age: Likes: Dislikes: Gender: And you need to post a picture of your character!
on August 27, 2015

(What happen to me today)
Jack: *brings a fusion (which is something that you make out of beads) that came from an iron* Dude touch this it's hot.
Me: It is and it feels good *puts hand on it*
Jack: Cool can I have it back now?
Me: Eh...no
Jack: Dude come on if you don't I'll hide it for you.
Me: That's why no. See More
Jack: GIVE!
Me: It's not yours. *accidently drops on the floor*
Jack: Thanks. *puts inside his shirt*
Me: Im not touching that anymore you been sweating. A LOT!
Jack: Um...No it's not in my chest.
Me: You don't have any cherries. XD
Jack: I didn't say that I said chest. -_- Plus I don't even have chest hair.
Me: Niether do you have Cherries. ?
Me: XD
Jack: *brings a fusion (which is something that you make out of beads) that came from an iron* Dude touch this it's hot.
Me: It is and it feels good *puts hand on it*
Jack: Cool can I have it back now?
Me: Eh...no
Jack: Dude come on if you don't I'll hide it for you.
Me: That's why no. See More
Jack: GIVE!
Me: It's not yours. *accidently drops on the floor*
Jack: Thanks. *puts inside his shirt*
Me: Im not touching that anymore you been sweating. A LOT!
Jack: Um...No it's not in my chest.
Me: You don't have any cherries. XD
Jack: I didn't say that I said chest. -_- Plus I don't even have chest hair.
Me: Niether do you have Cherries. ?
Me: XD
on August 27, 2015

@Rustpaw if your on I'm sorry :(

Answer: They're both right, because when Silica found out Asuna ate her fries, she ate Asuna's pie.
on August 27, 2015

Oh yea and by the way I'm only answer to annoy you XD So I'm trying to say false answers. Don't take this seriously. Niether cause they both never met in real life. That was a guess to annoy you.
on August 27, 2015
on August 26, 2015