I have my YouTube channel guys XD I'll tell u the name once I get decent subs
on June 04, 2016

My new gf<3
on June 02, 2016
on June 02, 2016

Guys I'm not dating Rocky anymore Soooo yea she is single and I'm done with a feast and all those story's I gotta get my heart put back together
on June 02, 2016
on June 02, 2016

Tankbeast1271 added a new chapter to Into the rain

It moves with the shadows
I woke up babe was sleep so I made her breakfast.. I brought her breakfast she smiles and kissed me... I kisses back. I looked out the window and laughed.. She said Wats happening. I said its night time we slept all day. She said ok and smiles. I was looking at the city and I looked at some kids at the park. The figure was there....
I watched it.. It was only in the darkness everywhere it went it was in the darkness. The kids didn't see him. But I was watching him. Babe hugged me and said I... Read Full Chapter
I watched it.. It was only in the darkness everywhere it went it was in the darkness. The kids didn't see him. But I was watching him. Babe hugged me and said I... Read Full Chapter
on May 26, 2016

d̫o̫n̫'t̫ u̫ d̫a̫r̫e̫ e̫v̫e̫r̫ b̫u̫l̫l̫y̫ m̫y̫ b̫a̫b̫e̫ s̫h̫e̫ i̫s̫ m̫i̫n̫e̫ s̫o̫ b̫a̫c̫k̫ t̫h̫e̫ h̫e̫l̫l̫ o̫f̫f̫
on May 21, 2016

If u have a problem with my babe doing lemons answer to me answer >:)
on May 19, 2016

Tankbeast1271 added a new chapter to Into the rain

I was already woke I was eating cereal... She woke up and hugged me from behind.. I smiled and kissed her and said good morning... She smiled and picked up Natasha and started feeding her.. I smiled and said my two favorite girls.. I hugged her.. Babe started blushing I smiled.
Until I saw the figure... My smile left my face I watched it and I was annoyed with it I ignored it.. I smiled again at babe I asked did she want any cereal she said yes I made her some cereal.. She started eating.. ... Read Full Chapter
Until I saw the figure... My smile left my face I watched it and I was annoyed with it I ignored it.. I smiled again at babe I asked did she want any cereal she said yes I made her some cereal.. She started eating.. ... Read Full Chapter
on May 18, 2016

New chapter is out guys I hope u enjoy I love my babe she is my life @rocky_raccoon_blueberrysans
on May 17, 2016
on May 14, 2016

Tankbeast1271 added a new chapter to Into the rain

A new house
I woke up and looked at babe.... She laughed... I had rolled off the bed.. I smiled and got up... I was kinda goofy because I lost blood... I ripped my shirt and started dancing.. Babe started blushing... I smiled and continued... I was glad Natasha was sleep... I started kissing babe.. She rubbed my abs and kissed back... I laughed and gripped her butt... She kissed harder and I did too...
I looked at the window of the hotel... I saw the figure I busted the window and went beast... I ran do... Read Full Chapter
I looked at the window of the hotel... I saw the figure I busted the window and went beast... I ran do... Read Full Chapter
on May 14, 2016

Tankbeast1271 added a new chapter to Into the rain

Home sweet Home
We had got our daughter and headed home..I looked at the house..it doesn't look right..the figure stares at me I get mad this is my family yells at figure the figure walks downstairs and stares at me.then starts running at me. Babe tells me to run. I say no he can't hurt u. I run at it I land the first hit I tackles it.Its Scratch's my back I yell run!! I start punching it throws it to the ground..
It grabs me by my neck. Babe runs and kicks the figure.I smile and say Thx babe and kisses her... Read Full Chapter
It grabs me by my neck. Babe runs and kicks the figure.I smile and say Thx babe and kisses her... Read Full Chapter
on May 07, 2016