Sydney ~|Nootmare|~
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Comments (8)

Oml you are beautiful!! ?
on February 05, 2021

@BlueTheQuizWhiz97 ty but I deny it- list of people who lie to my face abt my looks:
-Everyone on here
-My boyfriend
-My sisters
There ye go
-Everyone on here
-My boyfriend
-My sisters
There ye go

meh pretty relateable. I honestly think I'm a ugly ass-

Your pretty and you have enough confidence to put ur profile pic as u! I could never LMAO- just know your perfect the way u are!
on February 05, 2021
on February 05, 2021
on February 05, 2021


There are people who look good on camera then there is me XD
on February 05, 2021
on February 05, 2021