:D<3:);):p:(B):-*:-O:-B:x:((:((>:)O:-)X-(|-):brb:&[]:">:-&:-c:(( ALL THE EMOTES...WHY?!...COZ I AM BORED.

Hey it is Monday for me now
on September 01, 2014
on September 01, 2014

Man....What is there to do on a Monday...
on September 01, 2014


I am very sorry miss Storm. I cannot help you with your bordom, and will not reply to this because currently I am busy making gifs. But I hope your boredom subsides so you many have a good time. Please have a pleasent day/night.
on August 30, 2014
on August 30, 2014

hey Crimson!

on August 30, 2014
on August 30, 2014


Haha. I used to go on a lot, but then I just stopped... But now I'm going on again! :)
on August 30, 2014

Lol I am too. Although I have something to do and am doing it. :p I'm making my sister a birthday card. Almost done! @StormTheFox
on August 30, 2014
on August 30, 2014

All our institutions rest upon business. Without it we should not have schools, colleges, churches, parks, playgrounds, pavements, books, libraries, art, music, or anything else that we value.-StormtheFox
on August 30, 2014

Yo mama's so ugly, She made one direction go yhe other direction!
on August 30, 2014

The best type of exersise is a mixture of crunch and lunge.
-Its called lunch.
-Its called lunch.
on August 30, 2014

HUSBAND: I am not coming home tonight there has been a car accident and Paula took me to the hospitalI have suffered a broken leg and back and minor injuies to my head. I will be in hospital for 3 days, and i didn't want you to worry. So i rang.
WIFE: Who's Paula?
HUSBAND: I am not coming home tonight there has been a car accident and Paula took me to the hospitalI have suffered a broken leg and back and minor injuies to my head. I will be in hospital for 3 days, and i didn't want you to worry. So i rang.
WIFE: Who's Paula?
on August 30, 2014

I was thinking of posting a pic of storms bf that i drew but I cant FIND it.....grrr...
so i will Have to post this one off a CHIBI MAKER.
so i will Have to post this one off a CHIBI MAKER.
on August 30, 2014

Hi. Will you please take a look at my page and if you like it subscribe? Don't feel pushed, if you don't want to it's perfectly fine =)
on August 27, 2014

Wanna rp

That is interesting but we don't need to do a sonic rp unless you want to, well my main OC is Miyuki the Cat she is skilled with all weapons and has a fiancée, Leo the Hedgehog( he proposed recently and is not my OC ) they are both GUN agents
on August 25, 2014

ok i tell u my backstory first...
Eggman killed her so called parents(well robotisized),she attacked finding out her powers..ran off leaving her sister..(Melody?) uhh..years passed and she grew up alone meeting crimson on obe day, they were enemies at first then months passed and Crimosn helped storm with her powers. They became friends.. Storm found out that See More melody was either dead or joined egghead. Heart broken..went unconcious..saw her real parents in a dream(maybe gods?) and then woke up one day with her necklace like a lightning strike....
Eggman killed her so called parents(well robotisized),she attacked finding out her powers..ran off leaving her sister..(Melody?) uhh..years passed and she grew up alone meeting crimson on obe day, they were enemies at first then months passed and Crimosn helped storm with her powers. They became friends.. Storm found out that See More melody was either dead or joined egghead. Heart broken..went unconcious..saw her real parents in a dream(maybe gods?) and then woke up one day with her necklace like a lightning strike....
on August 25, 2014
on August 25, 2014

Hey Crimson....I sorta 4got my backstory...
on August 25, 2014

Do you have any YO MAMA JOKES? such as yo mama's so:
SHORT etc.
SHORT etc.
on August 25, 2014

on August 19, 2014