Have you ever Googlewacked? its when you type 2 words on google
each seperated by a space, that only gets ONE hit. :-O
each seperated by a space, that only gets ONE hit. :-O

Nope but it seems kinda cool
on August 05, 2014
on August 05, 2014

yay! I only need ten more followers until i reach 100!!! :D
on August 05, 2014

Yay! Your my 200th follower! That means I'm gonna take all of your polls, quizzes, and answer and questions! And... I'm gonna ask two of my followers to follow you!
on August 04, 2014

I have Recently created a new Quiz! called: HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW ANIMAL CROSSING:NEW LEAF
if you have time u can take the quiz?:p
if you have time u can take the quiz?:p
on August 03, 2014


i probs wont b online 4 long coz mum is asleep and i am on my laptop but i'm not REALLY allowed 2 be...
on July 27, 2014
on July 27, 2014

cool! where did you get that!? I am Intrigued...Facinated! IT IS SO
on July 26, 2014

its me (Randomgirl99) but i changed my username:D
I thought u would be online so i logged on and decided to change my username...
...and it took AGES to do. I also had trouble getting a profile pic but got there in the end...
its me (Randomgirl99) but i changed my username:D
I thought u would be online so i logged on and decided to change my username...
...and it took AGES to do. I also had trouble getting a profile pic but got there in the end...

OOOH riiiiiiiiiiighht!!!!
i looked at her page and Figured it would be her!
lol i saw her at Coles last week
i looked at her page and Figured it would be her!
lol i saw her at Coles last week
on July 26, 2014
on July 26, 2014