Well that will be all from me for today and thanks to the 6 guys and girls who followed me and checked out my stuff and i will keep making stories and such from this day on and don't forget to leave some ideas if you want me to write a story about something i am open to requests but until then stay awesome.B)
on February 08, 2015

Dam i really tired now idk y but i am anyway as u can see i made the second chapter of "Don't Stop Running" so have fun with that and thanks for those who have read what is there so far.
on February 08, 2015

SpinnerFTW added a new chapter to Don't Stop Running
Is this the end
"He's OK right?" one voice asked with a nervous tone.
"Yes he's OK but.."Said a male voice.
"What?" The other voice said again.
"He may not be able to use legs again" the second male voice said sadly.
He could never use his legs again!
Josh was suddenly awake he was slowly coming to, very slowly opening his eyes.
"Shh he's waking up" The male voice said as Josh slowly opened his eyes.
Josh finally had his eyes open now, he looked around, he'd see a male doctor and a female figure beside him b... Read Full Chapter
"Yes he's OK but.."Said a male voice.
"What?" The other voice said again.
"He may not be able to use legs again" the second male voice said sadly.
He could never use his legs again!
Josh was suddenly awake he was slowly coming to, very slowly opening his eyes.
"Shh he's waking up" The male voice said as Josh slowly opened his eyes.
Josh finally had his eyes open now, he looked around, he'd see a male doctor and a female figure beside him b... Read Full Chapter
on February 07, 2015

two things guys real quick here
1.I am going to keep going with the "Don't Stop Running" story.
2.If u were wondering it's not a Sonic fan fic i just put him in there.
1.I am going to keep going with the "Don't Stop Running" story.
2.If u were wondering it's not a Sonic fan fic i just put him in there.
on February 07, 2015

Yh he has better hair than u even me and that's Sayain something (btw if u get that pun right there ur a pimp and i love u)
on February 07, 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xe6nLVXEC0 plz check this vid out if your 13-25 plz it's great

Don't Stay in School
What I learned in school vs. What I didn't learn in school. iTunes: http://goo.gl/n4EgkZ | Bandcamp: http://goo.gl/gDetLT I can't remember feeling so passion...

Two thing.
One: Why did you go all the way to this post.
Two: Why do you want me too?
Two thing.
One: Why did you go all the way to this post.
Two: Why do you want me too?
on July 09, 2015
on February 07, 2015

Oh and one more thing is ur stalking (following) me and not my friend JakieTheHedgeHog plz plz plz go take a look at her stuff coz she was the one who showed me this and it's wrong not to give credit right.
on February 07, 2015

so for the first story guys let me know on it or on this post if u want to see more but again stay awesome.B)
on February 07, 2015

Hey guys just started and this will mainly be stories of wars and maybe some horror stories along the way but for toughs of you that are into war or like i said horror then u found the right guy. Oh and by all means make requests or maybe send me a story board of your own that you would like me to write but over all stay awesome guys.B)
on February 07, 2015