I'm probably going to cry the whole week, even the few days before it comes out. The Blood of Olympus isn't just the end of a book series, it's the end of a lifestyle. In a way, I'm not looking forward to it. At least one of my favourite characters WILL die, Rick confirmed that, and I just don't want it to end :((
on September 27, 2014

MAZE RUNNER FANS: If you didn't know, Thomas's name is Stephen...
on September 27, 2014

That awesome moment when you figure out how to reblog something on Tumblr... *lives in awe*
on September 27, 2014

Anyone want to talk? I'm really bored. Send me a PM!
on September 27, 2014

Oh, my gods. They're making a third Percy Jackson film.

I'm praying to Apollo to just shoot them all before they can even contact that Logan guy.
on September 27, 2014
on September 27, 2014

That moment when people won't stop HATING ON OCTAVIAN!!!
on September 27, 2014

Slytherin lost the Pottermore house cup. Oh, well....

Tbh, I don't remember which year... I know it was before I even HEARD of Scoliosis...
Must've been back in Summer 2012 or something....
Must've been back in Summer 2012 or something....
on September 27, 2014

XD When I was last taking part, Slytherin won, and Gryffindor were 2nd, Ravenclaw 3rd, Hufflepuff 4th
on September 27, 2014
on September 26, 2014

Oh, my gods. I've left my school jumper on the bus. My mum is going to go mental when I tell her in like 10 seconds.
Well, hopefully she won't do a Kronos and eat me.
Well, hopefully she won't do a Kronos and eat me.
on September 26, 2014

When my friends hate on Octavian... DIE!! DIE!! DIE!!
on September 25, 2014

Funny thing I just read:
Artemis: Okay, Apollo, write a haiku about Rick Riordan.
Apollo: *thinks*
Year waits are too long,
Rick Riordan is a troll,
I am fabulous. See More
Artemis: ...
Apollo: What?
Artemis: Okay, Apollo, write a haiku about Rick Riordan.
Apollo: *thinks*
Year waits are too long,
Rick Riordan is a troll,
I am fabulous. See More
Artemis: ...
Apollo: What?

on September 26, 2014

That probably isn't funny to anyone else, but then I am obsessed with Apollo and just *fangirls*
on September 25, 2014
on September 25, 2014

This comment was posted to the exact second when it was exactly 11 days until Blood of Olympus was released. WOO HOO!!
Gods, it's far too long! I can't wait 11 FREAKING DAYS!!!
Gods, it's far too long! I can't wait 11 FREAKING DAYS!!!

Well, actually, that's the wrong time zone. For me, it should be another five hours. DAMN IT!!
on September 25, 2014
on September 25, 2014
Jason: *dies*
everyone: ...