This is a sequel to my story Chosen. (takes place 24 years after Chosen) You don't have to read Chosen to understand this one though. Feel free to request OCs! -In a world go Elements and Magic, everything is too perfect.. Daughter of two of the "Remembered Four," Winter Brite suspects not only followers of the old Elemental council are reuniting, but also that elements and magic are not the strongest weapons in the world..-
on August 31, 2014

I've been at my grandparent's house for the last three days. I just got home. Carrying my box of Loom Bands which (I mean, literally) has 10,000 bands, I slipped. And dropped it. Every single one. I've only picked up about half of them and I'm taking a break.
*pounds head on table* What did I ever do you you, Merlin? :(
*pounds head on table* What did I ever do you you, Merlin? :(
on August 26, 2014


Pippa: Oh, I will! I'll break both his arms and his legs! *grins*
(I need to go now, bye!)
(I need to go now, bye!)
on August 24, 2014

Cat: if he did I want you to kill him in my behalf well I don't want you to go to azkaban so just break his arm or something
on August 24, 2014

on August 24, 2014

( ok )
Cat: if I ever am close to doing anything romantic with him for a reason without any malice then I command you to lock me in my room and or charm me so I cannot do that at all
Cat: if I ever am close to doing anything romantic with him for a reason without any malice then I command you to lock me in my room and or charm me so I cannot do that at all
on August 24, 2014
on August 24, 2014

hello fellow fangirl
on August 23, 2014

Welcome to Qfeast! HARRY POTTER ROCKS!!!

I wish. I can't find my stupid remote :/ I'll probably watch it on my phone or something...
on August 23, 2014

on August 23, 2014

I love Harry Potter, Divergent, The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, and Doctor Who too!
on August 23, 2014
on August 23, 2014

I am your first follower :D
on August 23, 2014