and that basically covers it for today be well and be good!
and that basically covers it for today be well and be good!
on December 22, 2017

Just so everyone knows, our roleplays arent as bad as I make them seem.
on December 22, 2017
on December 22, 2017

Its been a while since I used this website! Whoo! Well anyway, If anyone ever wants to roleplay with me and my friends, we don't use games to roleplay that often. Heres the link to our roleplaying server on Discord: https://discord.gg/wDVzN47 I set the link to never expire so you can join anytime! Also, a few warnings: I often godmode, theres swearing, killing, and much more. We dont swear all the time but we do swear. Thanks for wasting your time on me. Boi!
Step up your game with a modern voice & text chat app. Crystal clear voice, multiple server and channel support, mobile apps, and more. Get your free server now!
on December 22, 2017
on December 22, 2017

ahhh...... I can draw good sometimes..... and bad other times...... should I keep this drawing style?
on November 16, 2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQNlpHzS40c&pbjreload=10 Who else loves fandroid!!!! <3

♪ Nightcore | LITTEN SONG (Pokemon Sun & Moon) ► Fandroid
FANDROID #004 - “Lit Like Litten” ---► Input: Litten (Pokemon Sun & Moon) 124% Speed increase / Nightcore ITUNES ---► https://goo.gl/R3pb8z SPOTIFY ---► http...
on November 15, 2017

How I get to sleep at night: *FALLS OFF BED* *gets back on* *rolls around on bed and falls off again* *Stares at wall* *Stares at window* gets back on bed and looks under bed* *summersaults off of bed* *gets back on bed and feels thirsty* *gets a drink* *lies down finally* *falls asleep*
on November 15, 2017

Hey Everyone! I'm making another sans quiz soon. I'll also make a pokemon quiz and add to my story. And if anyone hasn't noticed, my story... is not really the best. Tell me how I can add to it and I will! Thanks!
on November 15, 2017

SkiiTheSkitty added a new chapter to My Story (Skii)
Chapter two. Not a good time to eat...
Skii was throwing stars and dodging wing attacks. Blake was Trying to stop them. The wingulls we're trying to get the food. And everyone was watching them, with Faces that obviously said "Holy Miltank." ..... It was chaos. Then, one of Skii's friends walked up to Skii, blake and the Wingulls and pushed the wingulls away. "Dont touch my friends, you bullies! Get your own food!" She said. The wingulls flew off. When the dust cleared, Skii could see her friend. It was Nyan the Mew, one of her go...
Read Full Chapter
on November 09, 2017

on November 09, 2017
on November 09, 2017

on November 09, 2017

on November 09, 2017