on August 12, 2016

on August 11, 2016

Cause you were mine for the summer now we know it's nearly over. It feels like snow in September but I always will remember that you were myyyyyyyy summer love.
on August 11, 2016

Panic! At The Disco: Hallelujah [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Panic! At The Disco's official video for 'Hallelujah.' New album Death Of A Bachelor available now on DCD2 / Fueled By Ramen. Get it on iTunes http://smartur...
on August 11, 2016

Funny sad story. So, my brother just got home from surgery and he is so out of it. It's funny because he is all like. Don't touch my wrist. And then he would touch it and my sister would be all like. Don't touch it dude. It's sad because it reminds me of when I would visit my dad at the hospital after he got a surgery and he would be out of it. I remember when I was about 9 or 10 and we went to visit my dad at the Stanford Hospital right after he got surgery. He couldn't walk See More on his own or shower or even go to the bathroom. It's just sad because I miss him.
on August 11, 2016

In the photo should I add leaves blowing in the wind or the Goner birds?
on August 09, 2016

I am going to now waste my life filling in every single little bird with black paint.
on August 08, 2016

https://youtu.be/jo_8dRv82qA i almost died. Thank you Brendon Urie for being the most beautiful person in the history of ever. And, having an angel-like voice. :((<3:)O:-)

BRENDON URIE'S INSANE VOCAL RANGE (the end of all things // panic! at the disco)
Brendon urie belting out some amazing notes at the end of the end of all things in wolverhampton on 10th may 2014 be sure to check out my other concert videos!!
on August 07, 2016

Someone freaking ate my donut.
on August 06, 2016

My family and my brothers' friends ate dinner without me and didn't bother to come and get me.
on August 06, 2016

When your brother breaks his wrist playing lacrosse, invites his friends over, and plays Cards Against Humanity.
on August 06, 2016

Big question. Tronner or Troyler?
on August 05, 2016

So last night at dinner we were talking about Troye Sivan and my cousin randomly said. "There's one reason I don't like Troye Sivan." And we asked her what it was, and she said. "Because he's gay." And in that moment, being part of the LGBT+ community, I couldn't breathe properly. I started getting anxious because I haven't come out to my family yet and I am so nervous to do so. Help? Any tips?
on August 01, 2016