How would you describe me?

@The_Bright_Side aww thanks
on September 04, 2016

on September 03, 2016

*rolls eyes*
on August 25, 2016
on August 24, 2016

Hairspray - Without Love (with lyrics !)
LYRICS HERE ! LINK: Once i was a selfish fool Who never understood never looked inside myself Though on the outside, i looked good! Then we met and you made ...
on August 24, 2016

My mom asked me if I had any classes with the boy I like.
Mom, I don't like boys.
Mom, I don't like boys.
on August 20, 2016

@ShyKikiCat Im making your note book and ill give it to you tomorrow :)
on August 18, 2016

I just found the letter my dad wrote me before he passed away and i can't handle myself right now.
on August 18, 2016

My sister ran over a dog today. BUT THE DOG IS OK, don't freak out.
on August 18, 2016

DOES ANYBODY LIKE TROYE SIVAN? Because I got tickets to see him and i got wild ft alessia cara and i can share it with one person.
on August 17, 2016

on August 17, 2016

My mom just came barging into my room and opened up my dresser for no apparent reason. Wow parents can be SO annoying at times
on August 15, 2016

Why is all of my music so depressing
on August 15, 2016

@Intense_Fire Brother Tyler may you braid my hair?
on August 14, 2016