You are very loving and gentle/innocent to someone, maybe your crush or boyrfriend but overtime your love for them becomes destructive, often through violence and/or brutality for example: You love your crush or boyfriend a lot but you get extremely jealous if another girl talks to them or spends a lot of time with them, which causes you to become violent through many different ways (manipulation, physical and/or emotional abuse etc..) to get them away or get rid of them for good (murder).
Gorgeous, graceful, smart, deep, and incredible are a few of the characteristics of your amazing spirit animal: The Horse! You probably enjoy being clean, running free, and feeling limitless and dreamy. Although, under some circumstances, horses may seem like dull, overworked tools for people, horses really seem to have a heart, emotion, and they are amazing companions. High five, you got an amazing result! Neigh...