What type of dere are you? (1) Tsundere? Dandere? Yandere? Kuudere? Which are you? Takes this quiz to find out! anonymous-user-Xc7NZg published on January 17, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Hello! Um, hi?! Hiya :) Hello. Um..hi.. 2/10 How are you? I'm good, but why do you care? I'm fine. I'm..okay.. I'm great :D 3/10 Senpai? What's a senpai? I don't need one, whatever it is. Oh? A senpai? T-that would be nice..I think.. W-what?! What do you mean by "Senpai?" I don't need one, i-if that's what you mean! Baka! Senpai? Where?! 4/10 What do you want your senpai to look like? I said I don't want a senpai! I don't know and I don't care. I don't mind.. I don't care what my senpai looks like, he's perfect the way he is <3 5/10 Do you want a senpai? No. Yes! Um..yes. Wh-what's with all these questions about a 'senpai'?! I told you I don't want one! God! 6/10 What would you do if you saw someone else with your senpai? I would be angry... He's mine! I don't care. I don't need or want one.Well..maybe not yet. I wouldn't mind, as long as she doesn't bother him again.. Ugh..I said I don't care! B-baka! 7/10 Are you shy? Yes..It's not obvious..? No, not really. Nah. I'm quite outgoing. Nope! 8/10 Baka? Baka!! Baka..? o_0 Baka. Um..baka? 9/10 Which 'dere' do you think you are after taking this quiz? I think I'm a yandere! You better not go near my senpai.. >:( I think I'm a kuudere. I don't care what I get though. I think I'm a dandere... but I don't mind. I think I'm a tsundere! But why would you care though?! 10/10 Sayonara! Sayonara! Baka.. Bye. Byeee! Uh..okay..bye.