Silent Scarlet
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Comments (6)


Why thank you!! I miss my long hair but i feel so...professional and fabulous with this hairstyle -3-

Yeah X3 i was going to be doing nursing, but i would have to start out at nursing homes (i dont have a problem with it it's just...odd to me...) I'm also too lazy to switch over and i also like my teacher so far...i also can get CPR certified by next month -3-)/
on August 22, 2015

XD I do think short hair is best doing paramedics, therefore, your hair won't get in the way of saving a life.
on August 22, 2015

Same here, especially when I go to my First Responder class (kinda like the paramedics yknow) and I think of myself going out there and saving people with my short hair keeping me awesome X3 but i do want long hair when i get married though ^_^
on August 22, 2015

I understand. I had to get a haircut once, but I felt so mature with it, I kinda of like it.
on August 22, 2015
on August 22, 2015
on August 22, 2015