Also,on the "good qfeasters to follow page* i think,i said something on insane_felines account so it was meant to be said as min,yes ik it looks like i hacked her account but i did not,she simply logged into her account on my ipad and didnt logout and i forgot to log out of hers..i am really really sorry,i screwed up.... I feel so stupid rn
on January 22, 2016

Everyone,a couple of things that insane_feline said was my bad,she was logged in on my ipad and i didnt notice,if anything sounded stupid or weird i am terribly sorry,im not sure how im going to explain this to insane feline
on January 22, 2016

Gtg everyone ill be back later,dont start anything please,i like peace:brb:
on January 22, 2016

I can't stand the way I'm treated. Its ridiculous. I'm literally to the point where I actually wait for the next friend to bail on me. I wait for next hater to enter my life. This is what bullies have done to me. This is the result. This is the life of a victim of bullying. Thus is not how a person should live. Its terrible.
Rep.ost if you hate bullying and would do anything to stop it. Once you have repo.sted, you have made a promise to help stop bullies. This has got to stop. See More There are people out there killing themselves because of it
I 200% agree with this,it makes me sick to see people being bullied,and ive also been bullied before
-originally by @lightstriker195,
Rep.ost if you hate bullying and would do anything to stop it. Once you have repo.sted, you have made a promise to help stop bullies. This has got to stop. See More There are people out there killing themselves because of it
I 200% agree with this,it makes me sick to see people being bullied,and ive also been bullied before
-originally by @lightstriker195,
on January 22, 2016

Shadowkiller_frost asked a question

Whats your favorite candies? Mine are,snickers,hersheys cookies n cream,giant sweettart...
on January 22, 2016

I just realized,that i forgot to add my friends onto my bio,i feel so bad now ? but atm i dont know who to add,except for a couple of people who are awesome

on January 22, 2016
on January 22, 2016

Person: *walks into classroom with slip from the office*
Teacher: for the staff basketball game?
Friend: nooo it says your fired
Me: *trying not to laugh*
Teacher: for the staff basketball game?
Friend: nooo it says your fired
Me: *trying not to laugh*

on January 22, 2016
on January 22, 2016

Me: *on phone during class*
Teacher: why are you on your phone?
Me: *looks up dramatically* becuz life
Teacher: why are you on your phone?
Me: *looks up dramatically* becuz life

That was like in 6th grade xD i had my phone out and my teacher was staring at me,she asked,can you tell me why u are on your phone,i said,life
on January 22, 2016
on January 22, 2016

on January 22, 2016

The painful moment when you find out you have a suprise quiz in a class,and it will cost you half your grade if you dont pass it
on January 22, 2016

Picture this:
Your sitting in a tree,listening to music,the wind peacfully cool. A few brds chirp in the distance,you hear a twig snap,below you is a demonic morbid creature,covered in blood,it collapses. You scream,but only to realize its a dream
Your sitting in a tree,listening to music,the wind peacfully cool. A few brds chirp in the distance,you hear a twig snap,below you is a demonic morbid creature,covered in blood,it collapses. You scream,but only to realize its a dream
on January 21, 2016

on January 21, 2016

Go,check out meh stories,they are truly works of art,go! XD
on January 21, 2016

Shadowkiller_frost subscribed to page

Pewdiepie is the best and most subscribed youtuber!
on January 21, 2016