ScourgeRulesWantToBeMates's Questions
ScourgeRulesWantToBeMates asked 12 questions
Why do you think a cat purrs? I think it is because, you know when you feel happy, nerv...
Have you ever been bullied? I haven't, and I wonder if anyone else has ever been bullied.

What do you think of Scourge the cat? So, I think of him as, well, I don't really want ...
I am goin to school in a few weeks? I have been to school, of corse, but I am not sure ...
What FNAF character do you like the most? So, mine is The Marrionet, and if she was a b...
What is your meaning of life? I want to know what yours is, and if you have one. My mea...

Who likes my new profile pic?
What are some FNAF ships? I want to know so I can make a poll called "What is your fave...
How do I Pm? I know I'm stupid, but i don't know how!
Has this ever happened to you before on Qfeast? I made a page call Post Stuff, and tons...

I need named for a book I'm writing called Luna's Adventures. I need some cats, single ...