If you feel like it, You can come to my page called Ask Wolfie...But only members can do that so...Become a member!:)

Sure thing!
on January 18, 2014
on January 18, 2014

Hi idiot ! LOL
on January 16, 2014

Hi! Do you like my profile phto
on January 15, 2014

Hallo! What's your favorite color? (Totally-random question)

on January 13, 2014
on January 13, 2014

Scootaloo asked a question

From 0% to 100% , how awesome is Scootaloo? (Mlp Fim) Am I ( I mean Scootaloo) 10%,20%,...
on January 12, 2014

hey Scootz.
on January 12, 2014

Hi Pinkie pie! Were you in The apple family?

Hi!!! Uh... I don't think so! I actually don't know a lot about Pinkie Pie. :p I'll have to look her up..... :)
on January 12, 2014
on January 12, 2014

hey Scootz!
on January 12, 2014

Hey, you should read my story! You've inspired me and inputting u in it!:)

Well, their all ok now, they apologized, but you can never be too careful
B) detective scootz
B) detective scootz
on January 12, 2014

Hey, when I first saw your username, I have to say the first thought in my head was "o my gosh! She's one of those mlp fakers, but then I realized I didn't know you at all. We have to be careful with new people with almost the same username, a while back their was a huge fight between the good: Xx RainbowDashxX and the bad: RainbowBlitz, RainbowDashMage. It was See More really harsh.
on January 12, 2014
on January 12, 2014

on January 12, 2014

Oh my Gosh! Is.. Is that my cutie mark?! YAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
on January 11, 2014

Thanks for following me!! :D I hope we can be friends!! :D
on January 11, 2014