Quote of the day: 3+6=9 but so does 5+4. The way youndo things isn't the only way to do them. Respects other people's way of thinking ?
on January 16, 2018

ScentedJasmine_101 asked a question

Who is EXO? I recently asked a question about BTS and my friend was talking about this ...
on January 16, 2018

Quote of the day: Be stong enugh to stand alone, be smart enough to know when you need help and be brave enough to ask for it ❓❔
on January 14, 2018

ScentedJasmine_101 asked a question

Who is BTS? I know they are a korean band but like does anyone know much about them, li...
on January 07, 2018

"Don't ask why someone keeps hurting you, ask why you keep letting them" ??
on January 07, 2018

Quote of the day: You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one ?
on January 07, 2018

Quote of the day: (christmas edition) It doesnt matter whats under the tree but it matters who is gathered around it ?
on December 21, 2017

Quote of the day: If 'Paln A' doesn't work, stay cool there are 25 more letters in the alphabet ?
on November 18, 2017

????????? See More
????????? See More
on October 29, 2017

????????? See More
????????? See More
on October 29, 2017

Quote of the day: Whoever tries to bring you down is already below you ⬇️
on October 29, 2017

Quote of the day: Sometimes you will never know the value of a momment until it becomes a memory ✨
on October 26, 2017

Quote of the day: A fighter is like a teabag, you cant tell how strong they are until you put them in hot water ??
on October 24, 2017

Quote of the day: When it rains look for rainbows, when its dark look for stars ?✨
on October 23, 2017

Quote of the day: Just because my path is different doesn't mean im lost ?
on October 22, 2017