Quote of the day: Yesterday i was clever so i wanted to change the world, today i am wise so im changing myself ?
on March 31, 2018

Quote of the day: Gold needs to be melted, then beaten to take up a beautiful form. It only needs to be in the care of a good goldsmith
on February 24, 2018

Quote of the day: Life is 10% of what you do and 90% of how you react to it ?
on February 23, 2018

Quote of the day: No one ever made a diffreence by being like everybody else ?
on February 15, 2018

Quote of the day: You should never regret anything. If it's good it's wonderful, if it's bad it's experience ?
on February 14, 2018

Okay i know im posting like crazy but i can't resist like last one, i think... okay did you know... When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red

on February 12, 2018
on February 12, 2018

Quote of the day: Stop planting flowers in people's gardens who aren't going to nurture then ?
on February 12, 2018

Instead of writing quotes i should be revising for my exam lol
on January 31, 2018

Quote of the day: Keep the people who heard you when you never said a word ?
on January 19, 2018

Quote of the day: You cant measure beauty ?
on January 17, 2018