~Send this to a qfeaster you would like to meet in real life~ (Started by CrystalDiamond2323)

Aw thanks girl! I want to meet you too :D
on September 12, 2014
on September 12, 2014

I am against animal abuse, but how about you care about HUMANS, and stop CHILD ABUSE. So what children can talk and say stop, but who ever is hurting them wont, and I know its the same for animals but animals will turn on you, humans wont and animals don't just turn on you because they are scared or you they you are going to hurt them, they turn on you because they want too they want to be alone with other lions, dogs, cats, bears. More children are getting abused then animals, See More stop child abuse and those children that have stopped getting abused can help stop animal abuse.

@RosenEliza I would :) and even if dogs had no food , they would learn to hunt . And cats can switch for depending in humans to a feral wild cat in days . Wolves and deer would become greater and no one would kill animals anymore . The world would be a better place :)
Ps : no more litter and stuff
Ps : no more litter and stuff
on November 07, 2014
on September 13, 2014

First of not just CHILDREN abuse animals, its adults too. And since people are the reason animals are abused how about all humans just die and let the animals have everything? Do you love animals enough to die and allow everybody else to die with you, just so that animals can stop being abused. Humans are the reason ANIMALS are even alive, without any human dogs See More wouldn't eat, cats would have no milk, and much worse then abuse animals would die without humans.
on September 11, 2014

@VioletTheCat Not children! And you didn't seem very happy about RosenEliza's opinion!
on September 11, 2014

@VioletTheCat wth. Get me off this page! Is that really how you treat somebody who has a better idea then animal abuse? Animals NEVER get abused!
on September 11, 2014
on September 09, 2014

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was GingerSnaps101

Had the hardest time logging in today took about 15 tries until I finally figured out that I changed my user
on August 29, 2014
on August 29, 2014

You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
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on February 16, 2014

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on February 16, 2014

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on February 16, 2014

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on February 16, 2014

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on February 16, 2014

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on February 16, 2014

You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
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on February 16, 2014

You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
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on February 16, 2014

You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
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Aww Thanks You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
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on February 16, 2014
on February 16, 2014

You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
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on February 16, 2014

You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
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on February 16, 2014

You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
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on February 16, 2014

You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
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on February 16, 2014