on August 23, 2014

Wanna rp ?

(Eh well there's no way I'd ever be able to make fresh pasta from scratch. It was more of a stereotypical joke. Wait, she's rose? Thought she was Elena?)
Ella:*bored again, doodles on her book*
Ella:*bored again, doodles on her book*
on August 25, 2014

( I have done that with my dad before I don't remember it that well right now )
Rose: ok *laughs*
Rose: ok *laughs*
on August 25, 2014

(I meant from scratch with flour and stuff, cos she lived in italy, ah get you now)
Ella:*pushes lip out* Not much of a cook. My speciality is burnt water.
Ella:*pushes lip out* Not much of a cook. My speciality is burnt water.
on August 25, 2014

( pasta is really simple it is about a handful of salt in boiling water and you boil te pasta te amount of time it says on the box )
Rose: my parents just taught me early but I had been helping my parents a lot
Rose: my parents just taught me early but I had been helping my parents a lot
on August 25, 2014

on August 25, 2014
on August 23, 2014

on August 23, 2014

Do you wanna rp now?
on August 22, 2014

on August 22, 2014

on August 22, 2014

on August 22, 2014

Is it possible to move the subscribe button to the top of the post as opposed to the bottom because it will be easier to unsubscribe a long post ad not have to go all the way to that bottom

This will clutter the design, as it will duplicate this button for all posts (many of them have from 0 to ~ comments). Thank you for suggestion anyway
on August 22, 2014
on August 22, 2014

I'm so lonely no ones talking to me :(

Well if you want but I was thinking more like high school or mythical or celebrity or something along those lines
on August 22, 2014
on August 22, 2014
Kent: ok lulu
Lulu: YES!!!