I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was edgymemesfordepressedteens
on August 18, 2020

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was moemoehearts
donate to team trees
donate to team trees
on November 16, 2019

on March 21, 2019

a student in my university killed himself yesterday, and the bullies are gossiping about it. I just want to strangle them for that.
suicide is such a shocking and tragic death of someone only so young but the events that lead up to it go pretty much silent....I want you all to know if you are thinking of suicide your not alone. this student thought no one cared about him, and yet here mostly everyone in the school is heavily effected. I didn't even know the kid and I am affected See More by his death...people will always care for your death. if you are thinking of committing suicide please don't, get help there will always be help.
suicide is such a shocking and tragic death of someone only so young but the events that lead up to it go pretty much silent....I want you all to know if you are thinking of suicide your not alone. this student thought no one cared about him, and yet here mostly everyone in the school is heavily effected. I didn't even know the kid and I am affected See More by his death...people will always care for your death. if you are thinking of committing suicide please don't, get help there will always be help.
on September 13, 2018

Rawr2002 asked a question
do any of the old qfeasters miss the drama? to be honest i miss some of the old qfeaste...
on September 07, 2018

hi yeah i'm the girl who made that poll about "what should my oc Australia's theme be" and i'm genuinely sorry you had to experience that horrific train wreck of a "o r i g i n a l" character.
on April 04, 2018

how long has it been
on February 21, 2018