is it just me or does it seem like most people are trying to find a reason to be mad about something?
on June 17, 2019

i keep jumping every time qfeast sends me a notification when im on a different tab and this computer is so old that it actually wont let me mute the tabs ;-;
on June 17, 2019

i just got back from the doctor had to get a stupid shot my grandma makes me get every 3 months :/ idek why shes making me take that dumb shot anymore anyway. so next time when i go im just gonna tell them i dont want it anymore since they told me that i was old enough now to choose whether i want the shot or not

yep. i dont even know what the shot is for anymore. ive been on it for like 2 years at most now.
on June 17, 2019
on June 17, 2019

PyroTheRedFox asked a question
does anyone know how to play dungeons and dragons? yeah my friend is trying to help me ...
on June 17, 2019

PyroTheRedFox asked a question

has anyone heard of a white hole? There's such a thing as a white hole. I found out rec...
on June 16, 2019

ppl keep saying my depression is so noticeable that they can basically smell it.
Everyone for the most part keeps abandoning me and stabbing me in the back. When I lived with my step family something too personal and really bad happened. My mom got remarried then left me and my brothers for drugs. She never even wanted me I'm pretty sure. I'm always being bullied. Most ppl play with my feelings and act like they care about me then blow me off when I need their help the most.
ppl keep saying my depression is so noticeable that they can basically smell it.
Everyone for the most part keeps abandoning me and stabbing me in the back. When I lived with my step family something too personal and really bad happened. My mom got remarried then left me and my brothers for drugs. She never even wanted me I'm pretty sure. I'm always being bullied. Most ppl play with my feelings and act like they care about me then blow me off when I need their help the most.
on May 13, 2019

on May 06, 2019

I kinda paniicked when my boyfriend caleb said that his mom knew about us......his mom read his messages I think and caleb said she approves apparently. I don't have to meet her anytime soon but still I'm kinda nervous for when I have too.
on April 02, 2019

Is it bad to be disapponted about not being able to talk to my bf all day? He had to drive all day and I cpuldnt talk to him then but as soon as he got home he went to bed
on April 01, 2019