If you ever feel depressed or feel like everyone hates you, just remember. I don't hate you. And I bet a bunch of others do to. You are loved.
Send This To Whoever You Are Willing To Help Through Any Rough Times
~Started By DerpytheGreatandPowerful
Send This To Whoever You Are Willing To Help Through Any Rough Times
~Started By DerpytheGreatandPowerful

on October 22, 2014
on October 22, 2014

on October 21, 2014

Send This To Whoever Is A Good Friend.
~Started By @CamilleTheHedgehog14
~Started By @CamilleTheHedgehog14
on October 19, 2014

Send This To Whoever Is A Good Friend.
~Started By @CamilleTheHedgehog14
~Started By @CamilleTheHedgehog14
on October 19, 2014

Send This To Whoever Is A Good Friend.
~Started By @CamilleTheHedgehog14
~Started By @CamilleTheHedgehog14
on October 19, 2014

:-& ugh
on October 19, 2014

on October 10, 2014

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1gew9O9LEA So freaking cute!!! Eeek:D

Jenny and Vastra - All of me
If you haven't seen "Deep Breath", then I recommend you stop watching and go and watch that first. Watch at your own risk; you've been warned. Someone asked ...

on October 19, 2014
on October 05, 2014

Doctor Who- Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Ten & Eleven)
Ten and Eleven slug it out, each claiming that anything the other can do, he can do better......but who's your favourite? Who gave the best performance?
on October 04, 2014

Born This Way - Lady Gaga PARODY - Gallifrey (Doctor Who)
I sent a TARDIS into space! Watch the video here: http://bit.ly/10yCKa0 _______________________ Thanks for watching! http://clicktotweet.com/am9p1 Oh hey, lo...
on October 04, 2014

"Let It Go" from Frozen according to Google Translate (PARODY)
**SEE BELOW IN COMMENTS IF YOU'RE OUTSIDE THE US** I can't belt like Idina Menzel, but I can mess around with Google translate. That software can really dest...
on September 29, 2014

Happy nightmares https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEa8Xl0efgE

10 Creepiest Things Children Said To Their Parents - Top10Stuff
Sometimes little angels can get real creepy. Do Watch - 10 Bizarre Medical Anomalies http://youtu.be/3EdQd_EzHz8 10 Bizarre Toys for Kids http://youtu.be/ETK...
on September 29, 2014

JAM TO IT. Despite the mediocre vocals. LYRICS: I spend all my time on Netflix Watching all my favorite shows from the BBC My tumblr is my home address With ...
on September 29, 2014

Doctor Who - Fantastic, Allons-y, & Geronimo! - UPDATE!
LIST OF THE EPISODES IN ORDER Fantastic!: 1x00 - Rose 1×02 - The End of the World 1×03 - The Unquiet Dead 1×04 - Aliens of London 1x06 - Dalek 1×07 - The Lon...
on September 25, 2014